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Person-Centred Teams : a Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation Through Effective Team-work [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Sanderson, Helen.
Lepkowsky, Mary Beth.
서명/저자사항Person-Centred Teams[electronic resource] :a Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation Through Effective Team-work.
발행사항London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (170 pages)
ISBN9780857008305 (electronic bk.)
0857008307 (electronic bk.)
일반주기 Recording the information in the person-centred team plan.
내용주기Person-Centred Teams: A Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation Through Effective Team-work; Acknowledgements; Preface; Introduction; What does 'person-centred team' mean?; Why are person-centred teams important to delivering personalised or person-centred services?; What would you see in a person-centred team?; Chapter 1 Profiles and Plans; One-page profiles; Good practice guidance for one-page profiles; The benefits of one-page staff profiles; Start with introductions; Matching staff to people, tasks and roles; Performance management.
From a one-page profile to a person-centred team planChapter 2 Purpose; Purpose questions; Why does 'purpose' matter?; What do we mean by 'purpose'?; Who decides on the team's purpose?; Who needs to be involved?; Different ways to clarify the team's purpose; Purpose question 1: why are we here?; Think about purpose from different perspectives; Getting to purpose via negative brainstorming; Using appreciative visioning to get to purpose; Create a purpose poster; Purpose question 2: why am I part of this team?; Prioritising values to create an individual purpose statement.
Alignment of personal and team purposeGetting started; How to record this in your person-centred team plan; Chapter 3 People; People questions; Why focus on 'people'?; Engagement; Emotional Intelligence; Extending person-centred practices; Know your people; People question 1: who are we?; Appreciation; Learning about people through histories; What's important in the future; People question 2: how do we support one another?; Good days and bad days; Stress and support; Using established instruments; Person-centred team reviews; Getting started; Make time; Start where people are; Lead by example.
Be clear about purpose and qualityDecide on standardisation versus creativity; Recording the information in profiles; Start with a one-page team profile; Use the team foundation graphic; Add everyone's profile to the purpose statement; Synthesise the information from the profiles and search for common themes; Chapter 4 Performance; Performance questions; Why is performance important?; What is meant by 'performance'?; Aligning purpose, people and performance; Clarifying performance; One-page strategy; Starbursting; Performance question 1: what does success look like?; The Doughnut.
Shared DoughnutsPerformance question 2: how can we know how well we are doing?; Agreeing on individual performance targets; The Expectation Arrow; Actions: what will I do?; Importance: why is it important that I do this?; Measures: what will it look like when it is done well?; Getting started; Answer the why? question before you start; What works for your team? Looking forward or backwards?; Have a clear line of sight from purpose to what success looks like; Choose doable and proportionate measures; Balance metrics with 'soft data'; Agree on core responsibilities or performance standards.
요약This practical guide provides much-needed guidance on person-centred working following the roll out of personalisation and personal budgets across health and social care. Straightforward and easy-to-read, it describes how to develop person-centred teams in health, social care, education and voluntary sector settings.
일반주제명Affect (Psychology)
Social work administration.
Teams in the workplace -- Management.
Teams in the workplace.
Teams in the workplace.
Social work administration.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Human Services.
기타형태 저록Print version:Sanderson, Helen.Person-Centred Teams : A Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation Through Effective Team-work.London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 짤20149781849054553


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