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Handbook of research on integrating digital technology with literacy pedagogies /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Sullivan, Pamela M., editor, author.
Lantz, Jessica L., 1985-, editor, author.
Sullivan, Brian A., 1983-, editor, author.
단체저자명IGI Global,publisher.
서명/저자사항Handbook of research on integrating digital technology with literacy pedagogies /[edited by] Pamela M. Sullivan, Jessica L. Lantz, Brian A. Sullivan.
발행사항Hershey, Pennsylvania (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA) : IGI Global, [2020]
형태사항1 online resource (36 PDFs (636 pages))
총서사항Advances in educational technologies and instructional design (AETID) book series
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Section 1. Theoretical frameworks. Chapter 1. Seeing beyond the screen: a multidimensional framework for understanding digital-age literacies ; Chapter 2. Talking through the design: supporting students' digital video composing processes through dialogic engagement ; Chapter 3. Digital literacies and text structure instruction: benefits, new language demands, and changes to pedagogy ; Chapter 4. Theoretical and practical concerns regarding digital texts in literacy instruction ; Chapter 5. Multimodal information literacy in higher education: critical thinking, technology, and technical skill ; Chapter 6. Colliding pedagogies: a call for diffractive digital literacy teacher education ; Chapter 7. Equity, literacies, and learning in technology-rich makerspaces -- Section 2. Early literacy and technology development. Chapter 8. Steamsational writing: an investigation into using robots to inspire children's narrative skills ; Chapter 9. Bye-bye basal: multimodal texts in the classroom ; Chapter 10. Digital storytelling and young children: transforming learning through creative use of technology ; Chapter 11. Aligning children's books with digital tools for reader response: the text, the tech, and the task ; Chapter 12. Using technology to build interactions within and beyond the literacy classroom ; Chapter 13. Teacher curatorship: fostering literacies with kindergartners using YouTube videos ; Chapter 14. Mathematical literacy and young children: incorporating technology in the early childhood classroom -- Section 3. Advanced literacy and technology development. Chapter 15. Using digital tools for studying about and addressing climate change ; Chapter 16. Game design as literacy-first activity: digital tools with/in literacy instruction ; Chapter 17. Exploring digitally enhanced literacy practices with preservice teachers ; Chapter 18. Examining graduate students' cooperative learning experiences in an online reading course ; Chapter 19. "Nobody really does the reading": rethinking reading accountability using technology tools ; Chapter 20. Online student discussions for social construction of knowledge and dialogue: a review of research ; Chapter 21. A systematic review of video games for second language acquisition ; Chapter 22. Humanizing online assessment: screencasting as a multimedia feedback tool for first generation college students ; Chapter 23. Designing for purpose-driven technology use among preservice English teachers.
요약"This book examines literacy instruction practices with current digital technologies"--
일반주제명Literacy -- Study and teaching.
Computer-assisted instruction.
Critical pedagogy.
Computer-assisted instruction.
Critical pedagogy.
Literacy -- Study and teaching.
기타형태 저록Print version:17998024699781799802464


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