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Agile Technical Practices Distilled : a learning journey in technical practices and principles of software design /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Santos, Pedro M.
Consolaro, Marco, author.
Di Gioia, Alessandro, author.
서명/저자사항Agile Technical Practices Distilled :a learning journey in technical practices and principles of software design /Pedro M. Santos, Marco Consolaro, Alessandro Di Gioia.
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Publishing, Limited, [2019]
형태사항1 online resource (442 pages)
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050
일반주기 Where are We in the Big Picture of Object-Oriented (OO) Software Design?
내용주기Cover; FM; Copyright; Table of Contents; Preface; Section 1: First Steps; Chapter 1: Pair Programming; What is Pair Programming?; Roles; Driver/Navigator Switch Techniques; Chess Clock; Ping Pong/Popcorn; Breaks; Pomodoro; Katas; When Should I Move to the Next Lesson?; Resources; Web; Chapter 2: Classic TDD I -- Test-Driven Development; Classic TDD; The Three Laws of TDD; 1. You Are Not Allowed to Write Any More of a Unit Test That Is Sufficient to Fail, and Compilation Failures Are Failures; 2. You Are Not Allowed to Write Any Production Code Unless It Is to Make a Failing Unit Test Pass
3. You Are Not Allowed to Write Any More Production Code That Is Sufficient to Pass the One Failing Unit TestRefactoring and the Rule of Three -- Baby Steps; Three Methods of Moving Forward in TDD; From Red to Green; Degrees of Freedom; Naming Tests; A Test Name Pattern; Katas; Fizz Buzz by cyber-dojo; Fizz Buzz Kata Summary; More Katas; Leap Year by cyber-dojo; Nth Fibonacci by cyber-dojo; Great Habits; Considerations when Writing a New Test; Considerations When Making a Failing Test Pass; Considerations After the Test Passes; Classic TDD Flow
Where are We in the Big Picture of Object-Oriented (OO) Software Design?When Should I Move to the Next Lesson?; Resources; Web; Books; Chapter 3: Classic TDD II; Writing the Assertion First and Working Backward; Organizing Your Test in Arrange, Act, and Assert Blocks; Benefits of Organizing Tests in Arrange, Act, and Assert Blocks; Unit Test Principles; Katas; Stats Calculator by cyber-dojo; Anagrams by cyber-dojo; Great Habits; Considerations when Writing a New Test; Considerations when Making a Failing Test Pass; Considerations after the Test Passes; Classic TDD Flow
Where are we in the Big Picture of Object-Oriented (OO) Software Design?When Should I Move to the Next Lesson?; Resources; Web; Books; Chapter 4: Classic TDD III -- Transformation Priority Premise; Kata; Roman Numerals by cyber-dojo; TPP -- Defining Obvious Implementation; TPP Table; The Transformations; Transformation 1 -- {} -> Nil; Transformation 2 -- Nil -> Constant; Transformation 3 -- Constant -> Constant+; Transformation 4 -- Constant -> Scalar; Transformation 5 -- Statement -> Statements; Transformation 6 -- Unconditional -> Conditional; Transformation 7 -- Scalar -> Array
Transformation 8 -- Array -> ContainerTransformation 9 -- Statement -> Tail Recursion; Transformation 10 -- If -> Loop; Transformation 11 -- Statement -> Recursion; Transformation 12 -- Expression -> Function; Transformation 13 -- Variable -> Mutation; Example Using the TPP on the Fibonacci Sequence; Katas; Roman Numerals by cyber-dojo; Prime Factors by cyber-dojo; Boolean Calculator by Alessandro Di Gioia; Great Habits; Considerations when Writing a New Test; Considerations when Making a Failing Test Pass; Considerations after the Test Passes; Classic TDD flow
요약This book takes you on a learning journey - discover new ideas for improving your software design skills, the relationship within your team, and the way your business works. It starts by discussing individual practices, such as pair programming and simple design, and ends by showing how you can benefit by taking a business-oriented ...
일반주제명Agile software development.
Computer software -- Development.
Agile software development.
Computer software -- Development.
기타형태 저록Print version:Santos, Pedro M.Agile Technical Practices Distilled : Become Agile and Efficient by Mastering Software Design.Birmingham : Packt Publishing, Limited, 짤20199781838980849


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