자료유형 | E-Book |
개인저자 | Andersen, Steve (Stephen S.), 1952-, author. Stein, Dave, 1947-, author. |
서명/저자사항 | Beyond the sales process :12 proven strategies for a customer-driven world /Steve Andersen and Dave Stein. |
형태사항 | 1 online resource (278 pages) : illustrations |
소장본 주기 | eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks |
ISBN | 9780814437162 0814437168 |
서지주기 | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
내용주기 | Title; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Why Read Beyond the Sales Process?; Before, During, and After the Sale; How This Book Is Organized; What Matters Most to Customers; SECTION I. Engage: Driving Success Before the Sale; Strategy 1. Research the Organization: Becoming a Student of Your Customer; What You Need to Know About Your Customer; Where You Can Acquire and Capture Customer Knowledge; How You Can Leverage Customer Knowledge; Testing the Effectiveness of Your Research; Strategy 2. Explore the Possibilities: Giving Your Customer a Reason to Engage Initiating the Customer DialogueThe Essence of Exploration: Curiosity and the Inquiring Mind; What Does Your Customer Care Most About?; Are You Willing to Make the Required Investments?; Taking Inventory of Your Assets; Testing the Effectiveness of Your Exploration; Strategy 3. Vision the Success: Visualizing Future Potential Value with Your Customer; A Vision of Customer Success and of Future Potential Value; How Today's Customers Define Supplier Value; Understanding Your Customer's Expectations of You; Developing a Collaborative Vision of Customer Success Testing the Effectiveness of Your VisioningStrategy 4. Elevate the Conversation: Defining and Pursuing Customer Value Targets; A Word of Caution About Your Customer Conversations; Focusing on the Customer Value Target; Elevating the Conversation; Defining Your Customer Value Targets; Evolving from Before to During the Sale; Testing the Effectiveness of Your Elevation; Case Studies; Zurich Insurance Group; Merck/MSD; BNY Mellon; SECTION II. Win: Driving Success During the Sale; Strategy 5. Discover the Drivers: Understanding What's at Stake for Your Customers; What Is Discovery? The "Value" of the Value-Focused QuestionThe Quest for Actionable Awareness; The Focus of Your Discovery Efforts; Testing the Effectiveness of Your Discovery; Strategy 6. Align the Teams: Developing Customer Sponsors and Supporters; Many Are Connected; Few Are Truly Aligned; The Dimensions of Alignment; Alignment Is As Valuable to Your Customer As It Is to You; Testing the Effectiveness of Your Alignment; Strategy 7. Position the Fit: Competing for Customer Mindshare; Positioning Is All About the Fit; To Position or Be Positioned? That Is the Question Start with Your Customer, Not with Your ProductWhat Is Being Positioned?; Planning to Win: The Intersection of Alignment and Positioning; Testing the Effectiveness of Your Positioning; Strategy 8. Differentiate the Value: Creating a Customer Preference; Making Your Plan to Win a Reality; Developing the Ideal Environment for Value Differentiation; Activities for Effective Differentiation; Proving Your Value: Building Customer-Specific Value Messages; Testing the Effectiveness of Your Value Differentiation; Case Studies; Adecco; Honeywell; Panasonic |
요약 | Featuring instructional case studies from companies including Hilton Worldwide, Merck, and Siemens, this evidence-based book provides readers with a proven methodology for driving success before, during, and after every sale. Embracing the entire customer life cycle, Beyond the Sales Process reveals 12 essential strategies, including: Research your customer Build a vision with them for their own success Understand your customers' drivers, objectives, and challenges Effectively position and differentiate Create and realize value together Leverage your results to forge lasting-and mutually. |
일반주제명 | Sales management. Customer relations. Customer relations. Sales management. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior |
언어 | 영어 |
기타형태 저록 | Print version:Andersen, Steve (Stephen S.), 1952- author.Beyond the sales process9780814437155 |
대출바로가기 | http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&AN=1133033 |
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