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1 학위논문 Collective Phenomena in Quantum Gases 미리보기
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Dutta, Shovan. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 539 2018 URL
2 학위논문 A Characterization of Orofacial Phenotypes Resulting from the Tissue Specific Deletion of Pbx Genes within the Cranial Neural Crest Cell Population or the Cephalic Epithelium of the Developing Murine Embryo 미리보기
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Hart, James C. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 574 2018 URL
3 학위논문 On Consistent and Efficient Graph Data Management 미리보기
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Dubey, Ayush. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 004 2018 URL
4 학위논문 Block Copolymer Derived Functional Nanomaterials with Three Dimensional Porous Structures for Photonics and Water Application 미리보기
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Zhang, Qi. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 620.11 2018 URL
5 학위논문 Pre-initiation Features Investigation and Helical Structure Formation in Solid Metal Liner Z-Pinches 미리보기
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Atoyan, Levon. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 530 2018 URL
6 학위논문 Boron Nitride Growth and Electronics 미리보기
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Calderon, Brian Rene. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621.3 2018 URL
7 학위논문 Single Molecule Observation of Living Polymerization 미리보기
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Kubo, Kaori. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 547 2018 URL
8 학위논문 Examining Mechanistic and Developmental Predictors of Collaboration 미리보기
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Vredenburgh, Christopher. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 136 2017 URL
9 학위논문 Structure-Reactivity Relationships of Lithium Amides: LiHMDS-Mediated Enolizations of Hindered Aryl Ketones and LiTMP-Mediated Ortholithiations 미리보기
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Mack, Kyle Anthony. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 547 2018 URL
10 학위논문 Applications of Numerical Optimization in Graphics and Games 미리보기
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Liu, Albert Julius. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 004 2018 URL
11 학위논문 1) A Proof-of-Concept Experiment to Investigate Fast Charging Transients by Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy. 2) Studies on Bridged Ruthenium Complexes 미리보기
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Nathan, Sarah Ruth. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 543 2018 URL
12 학위논문 Sour Rot on Grapes: Understanding the Etiology and Developing Management Strategies 미리보기
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Hall, Megan Edina Pond. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 581 2018 URL
13 학위논문 Pathogens, Precipitation, Poop and Produce: The Ecology and Control of Foodborne Pathogens in Produce Preharvest Environments 미리보기
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Weller, Daniel L. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 576 2018 URL
14 학위논문 Statistical Models for LOB Systems 미리보기
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Arikan, Gokhan. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 530 2018 URL
15 학위논문 Assessing a Social Marketing Campaign on Wildlife Conservation in Nam Et - Phou Louey National Protected Area, Lao People's Democratic Republic 미리보기
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Saypanya, Santi. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 333 2018 URL
16 학위논문 Derived Character Maps of Lie Representations and Chern-Simons Forms 미리보기
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Patotski, Aliaksandr. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 510 2018 URL
17 학위논문 Breeding Switchgrass for Resistance to Bipolaris Diseases 미리보기
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Songsomboon, Kittikun. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 630 2018 URL
18 학위논문 Condition Assessment in Marine Elements Requiring Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis through a Data-Driven Proxy Model Inversion Framework 미리보기
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Kosianka, Justyna Weronika. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 620 2018 URL
19 학위논문 A Reactive Approach for Use-Based Privacy 미리보기
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Birrell, Eleanor Jane. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 004 2018 URL
20 학위논문 Essays on Education and Labor Markets in Latin America 미리보기
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Jaume, David Jose. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 330 2018 URL
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