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검색 타입
검색어[가나다ABC : N]
62건 중 62건 출력
1/4 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2019 삭제


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 전자책 (NCS기반) 기초 양식조리 [전자책] = (The) Western cooking 미리보기
김용식, 光文閣 2019 URL
2 전자책 NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING : a guide for citizens and planners [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jones, Bernie. ROUTLEDGE 2019 URL
3 전자책 NOLS games / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tozer-Wilson, Helen Fitzmorris, Alli Stackpole Books 2019 URL
4 전자책 Nano comes to life : how nanotechnology is transforming medicine and the future of biology / 미리보기
Contera, Sonia Princeton University Press 2019 URL
5 전자책 Nano-Electromagnetic Communication at Terahertz and Optical Frequencies : Principles and Applications / 미리보기
Alomainy, Akram. Yang, Ke Abbasi, Qammer H. Imran, Muhammad. Yao, Xin-Wei. Institution of Engineering & Technology 2019 URL
6 전자책 Narrative thinking and storytelling for problem solving in science education / 미리보기
Riley, John Thomas Information Science Reference 2019 URL
7 전자책 Narrative, literacy and other skills : studies in intervention / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Veneziano, Edy. Nicolopoulou, Ageliki. John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019 URL
8 전자책 Native-Speakerism in English Language Teaching : The Current Situation in China [electronic resource] 미리보기
Liu, Junshuan. Cambridge Scholars Publisher 2019 URL
9 전자책 Natural Language Processing Fundamentals : Build Intelligent Applications That Can Interpret the Human Language to Deliver Impactful Results [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ghosh, Sohom. Packt Publishing Ltd 2019 URL
10 전자책 Natural Language Processing with Java Cookbook : Over 70 Recipes to Create Linguistic and Language Translation Applications Using Java Libraries. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Reese, Richard M. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
11 전자책 Natural disasters : a reference handbook / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Newton, David E. ABC-CLIO 2019 URL
12 전자책 Nature-inspired cyber security and resiliency : fundamentals, techniques and applications / [electronic resource] 미리보기
El-Alfy, El-Sayed M. Eltoweissy, Mohamed. Fulp, Errin W. Mazurczyk, Wojciech Institution of Engineering & Technology 2019 URL
13 전자책 Navigation and Control of Autonomous Marine Vehicles / 미리보기
Sharma, Sanjay Subudhi, Bidyadhar Institution of Engineering & Technology 2019 URL
14 전자책 Neeb's mental health nursing / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gorman, Linda M. F.A. Davis Company 2019 URL
15 전자책 Negative emissions technologies and reliable sequestration : a research agenda / [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Developing a Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable National Academies Press 2019 URL
16 전자책 Negotiating the environment : civil society, globalisation and the UN / 미리보기
Eastwood, Lauren E. Routledge 2019 URL
17 전자책 Neighborhood / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Talen, Emily Oxford University Press 2019 URL
18 전자책 Network Science with Python and NetworkX Quick Start Guide : Explore and Visualize Network Data Effectively. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Platt, Edward L. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
19 전자책 Networking Fundamentals : Develop the Networking Skills Required to Pass the Microsoft MTA Networking Fundamentals Exam 98-366 미리보기
Davies, Gordon. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
20 전자책 Networking the Bloc : experimental art in Eastern Europe 1965-1981 / 미리보기
Kemp-Welch, Klara The MIT Press 2019 URL
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