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검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
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잡지명 저자 출판사 청구기호 발행년 수록
141 연속간행물 International Journal of Human Movement Science 미리보기
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Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance 690.5 A436i 2007-
142 연속간행물 International Journal of Tourism Sciences 미리보기
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(The) Tourism Science Society of Korea [편] Tourism Science Society of Korea 326.3905 T727i 2000-
143 연속간행물 International area studies review 미리보기
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Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Center for International Area Studies Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Center for International Area Studies 349 H241i 2011-
144 연속간행물 International conference on convergence content[융합콘텐츠 국제학술대회] : ICCC = [한국콘텐츠학회 융합콘텐츠 국제학술대회] 미리보기
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Korea Contents Association Korea Contents Association 384.05 K84i 200- URL
145 연속간행물 International digital design invitation exhibition[국제 디지털 디자인 초대전] = [한국콘텐츠학회 국제 디지털 디자인 초대전] 미리보기
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Korea Contents Association The Korea Contents Association 566.05 K84i 2005- URL
146 연속간행물 International journal of contents [콘텐츠의 국제 저널] 미리보기
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The Korea Contents Association[한국콘텐츠학회 편] Korea Contents Association[한국콘텐츠학회] 001.05 한16i 2005-
147 연속간행물 International journal of intangible heritage = 국제저널 무형유산 미리보기
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국립민속박물관 국립민속박물관 069.05 국298ㄱ 2009-
148 연속간행물 International journal of sustainable building technology and urban development 미리보기
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sustainable buliding research center, hanyang university SUSB 540.05 S964i 2010-
149 연속간행물 Internet & Information Security 미리보기
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한국인터넷진흥원 한국인터넷진흥원 004.05 한16 2010-
150 연속간행물 JENB = Journal of exercise nutrition and biochemistry 미리보기
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Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition = 한국운동영양학회 594.105 K84j 2011- URL
151 연속간행물 JER = 한국운동재활학회지 미리보기
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Korean society of exercise rehabilitation = Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation 517.89 K84j 2014- URL
152 연속간행물 JKBNS = 기초간호자연과학회지(The) Journal of Korean biological nursing science) 미리보기
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기초간호자연과학회 [편] 기초간호자연과학회 512.804 기84ㄷ 1999-
153 연속간행물 Journal of Asia-Pacific Special Education 미리보기
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BK21 Project Force of Special Education Daegu University BK21 Project Force of Special Education, Daegu University 370.5 B626j 2004-
154 연속간행물 Journal of Daesoon thought & the religions of east asia = [대순사상과 동아시아의 종교지] 미리보기
The Daesoon academy of sciences, Daejin University The Daesoon academy of sciences, Daejin University 291.1 T374j 2021-
155 연속간행물 Journal of Economic Research[경제연구저널] 미리보기
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Hanyang Economic Research Institute Hanyang Economic Research Institute 320.5 아58ㅈ 1996- URL
156 연속간행물 Journal of Ethnic Foods 미리보기
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Korea food research institute Korea food research institute 594.05 K84j 2014-
157 연속간행물 Journal of Foodservice Management 미리보기
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The Foodservice Management Society of Korea. Foodservice Management Society of Korea 594.05 F686j 2009-
158 연속간행물 Journal of Hanyang Research Institute of Industrial Sciences 미리보기
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[by]Hanyang Research Institute of Industrial Sciences Hanyang University 505 한63ㅈ 1999-
159 연속간행물 Journal of Inner and East Asian studies 미리보기
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Koguryo Research Foundation Koguryo Research Foundation 910.5 K78j 200-
160 연속간행물 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing : 대한간호학회지 미리보기
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한국간호과학회 [편]=Korean Society of Nursing Science 한국간호과학회 512.805 한16ㄷ 1970-
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