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서명 저자 발행기관 청구기호 발행년 수록
1 학위논문 A Q-Sort Comparison of Student and Teacher Values Concerning Wind Band Music Education in Public Secondary Schools 미리보기
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Frazier, Richard Robert, II. Boston University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 780 2018 URL
2 학위논문 A Qualitative Analysis of the Business Models of Shared Workspaces 미리보기
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He, Chi. Arizona State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 658 2018 URL
3 학위논문 A Qualitative Examination of College Health Nurses' Perception of Their Role in Nursing Practice 미리보기
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Akisanya, Oyetunji J. The University of Alabama at Birmingham. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 610.73 2018 URL
4 학위논문 A Qualitative Exploration of the Current State if Observation and Feedback in the Seminaries and Institutes of Religion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 미리보기
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Garner, Christopher B. Utah State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 371 2018 URL
5 학위논문 A Qualitative Investigation of Psychotherapy Clients' Perceptions of Positive Regard 미리보기
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Suzuki, Jessica Y. Columbia University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 157 2018 URL
6 학위논문 A Quasi-Experimental Test of the Impact of Addiction Studies Education on College Students Substance Use 미리보기
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Dittberner, Melissa. University of South Dakota. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 371 2018 URL
7 학위논문 A Question of Culture: Native English Speaking Teachers Teaching Young Children in China 미리보기
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Liu, Xiaohua. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 370 2018 URL
8 학위논문 A question of equality women and women's art under partriarchal society 미리보기
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[by] Kim, Gum-Sun University of Western Sydeny 639 김17ㅋ 1995-
9 학위논문 Qualitative studies of a Convective Porous Medium Equation with Some types of Boundary Conditions 미리보기
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尹鍾斗 啓明大學校 414.38 윤75ㅋ 1992
10 학위논문 Quality Assessment of Clinical Practice Guidelines in Emergency Medicine 미리보기
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Zupon, Alyssa Brenda. Yale University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 610 2018 URL
11 학위논문 Quality Control Mechanisms of Molecular Chaperones in the Folding and Degradation of Client Proteins 미리보기
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Tse, Eric. University of Michigan. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 574 2017 URL
12 학위논문 Quantifying Flakiness and Minimizing Its Effects on Software Testing 미리보기
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Gao, Zebao. University of Maryland, College Park. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 004 2017 URL
13 학위논문 Quantifying Groundwater Interaction with Streams and Thermal Regime Implications 미리보기
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Zhou, Yan. Oklahoma State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 631 2017 URL
14 학위논문 Quantifying Predator-Prey Interactions: Methods, Challenges, and Applications 미리보기
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Moriarty, Pamela E. University of Washington. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 574.5 2018 URL
15 학위논문 Quantifying Security: Methods, Challenges and Applications 미리보기
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Sarabi, Armin. University of Michigan. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621.3 2018 URL
16 학위논문 Quantifying and Improving Error Sensitivity of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance 미리보기
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Steers, Jennifer Mariah. University of California, Los Angeles. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 539 2018 URL
17 학위논문 Quantifying and Modeling Radiation Therapy-induced Ventilation Changes and Investigating the Robustness of 4DCT-based Functional Avoidance 미리보기
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Patton, Taylor J. The University of Wisconsin - Madison. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 616 2018 URL
18 학위논문 Quantifying and Understanding the Linkages Between Clouds and the General Circulation of the Atmosphere 미리보기
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Lipat, Bernard R. Columbia University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 551.5 2018 URL
19 학위논문 Quantifying the Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics Using Mechanistically-based Biogeochemistry Models and in Situ and Satellite Data 미리보기
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Lyu, Zhou. Purdue University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 628 2018 URL
20 학위논문 Quantile-Optimal Treatment Regimes with Censored Data 미리보기
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Zhou, Yu. University of Minnesota. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 310 2018 URL
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