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서명 저자 발행기관 청구기호 발행년 수록
1 학위논문 Parental Involvement in an Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia 미리보기
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Ginanto, Dion Efrijum. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 371 2018 URL
2 학위논문 Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Distress: The Moderating and Mediating Effects of Social Context among Asian Americans 미리보기
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Bista, Shikha. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 301 2018 URL
3 학위논문 Performance Analysis and Privacy Protection of Network Data 미리보기
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Ahmed, Faraz. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 004 2018 URL
4 학위논문 Photo-Induced Electron and Energy Transfer in Donor-Acceptor Systems Featuring a Spin-Coupled Metal Dimer 미리보기
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Arias-Rotondo, Daniela Mariana. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 546 2018 URL
5 학위논문 Physical Activity Assessments Throughout Pregnancy and Postpartum 미리보기
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Conway, Michelle Reese. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 612 2018 URL
6 학위논문 Physical and mechanical properties of hipped Ag fibers reinforced YBa₂Cu₃O superconductor composite 미리보기
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Gun-Eik Jang MichiganState University 576 장14ㅍ 1992
7 학위논문 Physiological and Performance-Related Variables that Are Associated with Finish Time in Olympic Distance Triathlons 미리보기
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Buckingham, Todd Matthew. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 612 2018 URL
8 학위논문 Plagued Subjects: Political Culture of Crisis in Early Modern English Literature 미리보기
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Klomp, Neal Robert. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 823 2018 URL
9 학위논문 Planning for Reading Comprehension Instruction with Core Reading Programs: Elementary Teachers' Processes and Plans 미리보기
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Hopkins, Laura J. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 370 2018 URL
10 학위논문 Planting Year Conditions Shape Community Assembly in Restored Prairie Communities 미리보기
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Groves, Anna Marjorie. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 574.5 2018 URL
11 학위논문 Politics of Epistemic Dependence: An Epistemological Approach to Gender-Based Asylum 미리보기
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Sertler, Ezgi. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 100 2018 URL
12 학위논문 Predictors of Help-Seeking Behaviors of Sexually Victimized Males in the United States: A Secondary Data Analysis Utilizing the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 미리보기
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Cummings, Cristy Elizabeth. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 361 2018 URL
13 학위논문 Pushing Past Perceptions: Critical Media Literacies of Transnational Immigrant Youth 미리보기
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Deroo, Matthew Ryan. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 370 2018 URL


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