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서명 저자 발행기관 청구기호 발행년 수록
121 학위논문 Measurement to (Im)prove Water Quality: Environmental Performance Measurement in Upper Mississippi River Basin Water and Agriculture Policy 미리보기
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Wardropper, Chloe Bradley. The University of Wisconsin - Madison. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 550 2017 URL
122 학위논문 Measurements and Modeling of Low Energy Nuclear Recoils in Liquid Xenon for Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection 미리보기
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Lenardo, Brian Gregory. University of California, Davis. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 539 2018 URL
123 학위논문 Measurements and Modeling of the Unsteady Flow around a Thin Wing 미리보기
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Manar, Field Hogan. University of Maryland, College Park. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 629.1 2018 URL
124 학위논문 Measurements of Current-use Pesticides and Oxidation Products Using Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry 미리보기
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Murschell, Trey Daniel. Colorado State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 543 2018 URL
125 학위논문 Measurements of Spin Torques Due to Reorientable Anomalous Hall Spin Currents 미리보기
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Gibbons, Jonathan. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 530 2018 URL
126 학위논문 Measurements of Thermal Properties of Phonon Bridge Adhesion Layers, Nanogaps and Metal-organic Frameworks Using Frequency-domain Thermoreflectance (FDTR) 미리보기
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Jeong, Minyoung. Carnegie Mellon University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 620 2018 URL
127 학위논문 Measurements of Transition Dominated by the Second-Mode Instability at Mach 6 미리보기
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Chynoweth, Brandon C. Purdue University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 629.1 2018 URL
128 학위논문 Measuring Change in Social Communication Behaviors: Reliability, Validity, and Application 미리보기
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Grzadzinski, Rebecca. Columbia University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 157 2018 URL
129 학위논문 Measuring Magnetic Fields in Galaxies 미리보기
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Montgomery, Jordan D. Boston University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 520 2018 URL
130 학위논문 Measuring Organ Doses and Assessing Clinical Image Quality for the Purpose of Computed Tomography Protocol Optimization 미리보기
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Lipnharski, Izabella L. University of Florida. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 616 2017 URL
131 학위논문 Measuring Preferences for Uncertainty 미리보기
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Mislavsky, Robert Aron. University of Pennsylvania. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 150 2018 URL
132 학위논문 Measuring Statistical Dependence and its Applications in Machine Learning 미리보기
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Jin, Ze. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 310 2018 URL
133 학위논문 Measuring the Accessibility of Moral Intuitions: A Validation Study of the Moral Foundations-Affect Misattribution Procedure (MF-AMP) 미리보기
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Prabhu, Sujay. Michigan State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 384 2018 URL
134 학위논문 Mechanical Analyses and Design Methods of High Performance Engineered Bio-Composites with Tri-Axial Structural Core 미리보기
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Li, Jinghao. The University of Wisconsin - Madison. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 620.11 2016 URL
135 학위논문 Mechanical Behavior of Major Plate Boundary Fault Systems: Insights into the Stress State of the Nankai Subduction-Accretion Complex Offshore SW Japan and Slip Stability of the Alpine Fault Zone in New Zealand 미리보기
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Valdez, Robert D., II. The Pennsylvania State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 551 2018 URL
136 학위논문 Mechanical Instability in Soft Materials 미리보기
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Liang, Xudong. University of California, San Diego. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621 2018 URL
137 학위논문 Mechanical Properties of Fused Carbon Nanotube Networks 미리보기
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Liu, Sanwei. Northeastern University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621 2018 URL
138 학위논문 Mechanical Regulation of Genomic Instability in Cancer 미리보기
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Simi, Allison K. Princeton University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 610 2018 URL
139 학위논문 Mechanical and optical characterizations of nanophase diamond films prelard by a laser plasma discharge source 미리보기
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Jong-Hun You University of Texas 421.7 유75ㅁ 1994
140 학위논문 Mechanism and Application of a Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogen-deuterium Exchange Reaction for Polyolefins 미리보기
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Zeng, Yiming. University of Minnesota. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 530 2018 URL
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