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3661 학위논문 Predictors of Risk and Resilience in Emotion Regulation: The Effects of Person and Context in Three High-risk Samples 미리보기
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Norona, Amanda Nicol. University of California, Los Angeles. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 157 2018 URL
3662 학위논문 Predictors of Starting Wage for Individuals with Schizophrenia Successfully Employed after Receiving State-federal Vocational Rehabilitation Services: Comparing Supported and Non-supported Employment Groups 미리보기
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Kaseroff, Ashley A. The University of Wisconsin - Madison. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 362 2018 URL
3663 학위논문 Preliminary Outcomes and Feasibility of a Social-emotional Learning Intervention for Hispanic/Latino Undergraduates 미리보기
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Fornaris, Erica. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 150 2018 URL
3664 학위논문 Preparation of Active and Stable High-Surface Area Catalysts by Atomic Layer Deposition 미리보기
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Onn, Tzia Ming. University of Pennsylvania. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 660 2018 URL
3665 학위논문 Preparation of Hot and Cold Ions for Photoelectron-Photofragment Coincidence Spectroscopy 미리보기
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Shen, Ben B. University of California, San Diego. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 540 2018 URL
3666 학위논문 Prescribed-time Stabilization and Estimation for Linear Systems with Applications in Tactical Missile Guidance 미리보기
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Holloway, John Charles. University of California, San Diego. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621 2018 URL
3667 학위논문 Preservice Teachers' Knowledge and Use of Transnumeration 미리보기
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Daiga, Michael Christopher. Indiana University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 510 2018 URL
3668 학위논문 Previously Engaged: A Foucauldian Genealogy of Student Engagement in Composition Studies 미리보기
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Cruz, Joshua Michael. Arizona State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 378 2018 URL
3669 학위논문 Price Formation and Fluctuation in Ptolemaic Egypt 미리보기
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Hayden, Brittany. The University of Chicago. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 930 2018 URL
3670 학위논문 Price Shocks and Financial Hedging: Empirical Analysis 미리보기
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Zemoodeh, Amir. The University of Texas at Dallas. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 658 2018 URL
3671 학위논문 Prime series in commutative rings, and related topics : 可換環에서의 素列에 관한 硏究 미리보기
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吳興俊 明知大學校 412.81 오97ㅍ 1993
3672 학위논문 Prime, Kick, and Kill: Establishing a Proof of Concept for a Novel Approach to Purging Latent Reservoirs of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 미리보기
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Huang, Szu-han John. The George Washington University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 616.079 2018 URL
3673 학위논문 Primitive Camera: Adam Clark Vroman and the Status of Photography in Late-Nineteenth-Century America 미리보기
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Shannon, Heather A. Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 709 2017 URL
3674 학위논문 Principal Behaviors Outside Large Metropolis School Districts: Exploring the Relationships Between Time Use and School Context 미리보기
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Mahone, Abby S. Lehigh University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 371 2018 URL
3675 학위논문 Principal Component Analysis for Riemannian Functional Data and Bayes Classification 미리보기
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Dai, Xiongtao. University of California, Davis. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 310 2018 URL
3676 학위논문 Principal Feedback to Teachers Leading to Sustainable Change 미리보기
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Hughes, Willie. The Florida State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 371 2018 URL
3677 학위논문 Principled Virtue 미리보기
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Loveless, Zachary Dane. The University of Chicago. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 100 2018 URL
3678 학위논문 Principles of Riemannian Geometry in Neural Networks 미리보기
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Hauser, Michael. The Pennsylvania State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621 2018 URL
3679 학위논문 Privacy Infrastructure for Content and Communications 미리보기
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Edmundson, Anne Marissa. Princeton University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 004 2018 URL
3680 학위논문 Privacy, Disclosure, and Social Exchange Theory 미리보기
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King, Jennifer. University of California, Berkeley. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 020 2018 URL
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