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서명 저자 발행기관 청구기호 발행년 수록
281 학위논문 A question of equality women and women's art under partriarchal society 미리보기
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[by] Kim, Gum-Sun University of Western Sydeny 639 김17ㅋ 1995-
282 학위논문 A simulation study comparing various confidence intervals for the mean of voucher populations in accounting 미리보기
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[by] Ihnshik Lee The University of North Texas 413.8 이68ㅅ 1992
283 학위논문 A study on the generalized binding theory 미리보기
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Tae Soo Sung Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies 701.5 S958m 1989
284 학위논문 A. Rimbaud의 에 나타난 Theatralite 연구 : Actant/acteur분석을 중심으로 / [초판] . 미리보기
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張鳳哲. 부산외국어대학교 863 장45a 1995
285 학위논문 ABC에 의한 戰略的 管理會計시스템 構築에 관한 硏究 : (A)study on architechture of strategic managerial accounting system by activity-based costing 미리보기
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朴在容 中央大學校 325.8 박73ㅇ 1994
286 학위논문 APTAT: Animal Prufrock's Transperformative Arts Theory 미리보기
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Prufrock, Animal. California Institute of Integral Studies. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 707 2018 URL
287 학위논문 ART Adherence among Adolescents & Young People Living with HIV in Southern Malawi: A Conditional Process Analysis 미리보기
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Umar, Eric. University of Illinois at Chicago. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 614 2017 URL
288 학위논문 ASEAN의 協力樣相과 限界 미리보기
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鄭址泳 忠南大學校 349.14 정78ㅇ 1992
289 학위논문 ASEAN의 地域安保協力 硏究 미리보기
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邊昌九 경북대학교 349.1 변82ㅇ 1986
290 학위논문 ASTM 국제안전기준에 의한 한국 패션주얼리 제품의 현황 및 고찰 : 주얼리표면 중금속 함유량을 중심으로 / [초판] 미리보기
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윤강호 加耶大學校 大學院 633.2 윤12a 2018 URL
291 학위논문 Aad에 대한 등간간격척도의 조작화와 관여수준에 따른 Aad의 중개역할에 관한 연구 미리보기
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김재영 중앙대학교 326.14 김73ㅇ 1994
292 학위논문 Abandoning the Absolute: Topological Phenomena in Molecular and Condensed Systems 미리보기
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Muechler, Lukas F. Princeton University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 530 2018 URL
293 학위논문 Abelian Varieties with Small Isogeny Class and Applications to Cryptography 미리보기
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Scholl, Travis. University of Washington. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 510 2018 URL
294 학위논문 Ability of Phenolics in Isolation, Components Present in Supina Turf Grass to Remediate Candida albicans (A72 and SC5314) Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 미리보기
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Alessa, Fatima. The University of Nebraska - Lincoln. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 630 2018 URL
295 학위논문 Abiotic Mechanisms for Cyanobacteria Physiology and Distribution in Lakes: A Multi-Scale Approach 미리보기
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Wilkinson, Anne Ahlvers. University of Minnesota. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 624 2018 URL
296 학위논문 Abnormal Reward Processing and Visual Selective Attention: An Event-related Potential Investigation with Remitted Depressed Adults 미리보기
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Haworth, Kevin. The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 616 2018 URL
297 학위논문 Abortion Attitudes in South Africa and the United States: Implications for Abortion Stigma and Health Equity 미리보기
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Mosley, Elizabeth A. University of Michigan. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 371 2018 URL
298 학위논문 Absolute Convergence of the Twisted Arthur-Selberg Trace Formula 미리보기
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Parab, Abhishek. Purdue University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 510 2018 URL
299 학위논문 Absorbing Markov Chains with Random Transition Matrices and Applications 미리보기
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Kassir, Ali. University of California, Irvine. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 510 2018 URL
300 학위논문 Academic Entitlement, Adults in Graduate Education, and Popular Culture: A Mixed-Methods Study 미리보기
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Smyth, David R. The Pennsylvania State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 374 2018 URL
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