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서명 저자 발행기관 청구기호 발행년 수록
2301 학위논문 Heterogeneity in Firm Environmental Management Activity: Antecedents and Operational Impacts 미리보기
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Hardcopf, Rick. University of Minnesota. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 338.9 2018 URL
2302 학위논문 Heterogeneous Integration of III-V and II-IV Semiconductor Sheets onto Silicon Substrates Through Electric-Field Assisted Assembly for Device Applications 미리보기
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Levin, Scott. The Pennsylvania State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 620.5 2016 URL
2303 학위논문 Heterogeneous Integration of Mid-Infrared Lasers on Silicon 미리보기
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Spott, Alexander Weber. University of California, Santa Barbara. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621.3 2018 URL
2304 학위논문 Hexachlorocyclohexane에 依한 肝細胞傷害機轉과 Glutathione의 영향에 關한 超微細形態學的 硏究 미리보기
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李元基 慶北大學校 513.36 이66ㅎ 1979
2305 학위논문 Hidden Iconicity in Gesture, Sign, and Spoken Language 미리보기
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Yap, De Fu. The University of Chicago. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 153 2018 URL
2306 학위논문 Hidden Transcripts of Resistance: Moriscos and the Gendered Politics of Survival in Early Modern Spain 미리보기
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Heacock-Renaud, Jennifer Lynn. The University of Iowa. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 818 2018 URL
2307 학위논문 Hierarchical Integration of Heterogeneous Highly Structured Data: The Case of Functional Brain Imaging 미리보기
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Li, Qian. University of California, Los Angeles. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 574 2018 URL
2308 학위논문 Hierarchical Sparse Graph Computations on Multicore Platforms 미리보기
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Kabir, Humayun. The Pennsylvania State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 004 2018 URL
2309 학위논문 High Dynamic Range CMOS-MEMS Capacitive Accelerometer Array with Drift Compensation 미리보기
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Guney, Metin G. Carnegie Mellon University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621.3 2018 URL
2310 학위논문 High Efficiency Planar Solar Concentrators and Novel Structures for Organic Light Emitting Diodes 미리보기
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Price, Jared S. The Pennsylvania State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621.3 2018 URL
2311 학위논문 High Fidelity Localization and Map Building from an Instrumented Probe Vehicle 미리보기
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Thornton, Douglas. The Ohio State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621.3 2017 URL
2312 학위논문 High Magnetic Field Studies of Doped Plutonium and Uranium Based Superconductors 미리보기
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Wartenbe, Mark. The Florida State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 530 2018 URL
2313 학위논문 High Performance Reluctance Motor Drives with Three-phase Standard Inverter 미리보기
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Kabir, Md Ashfanoor. North Carolina State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 621.3 2017 URL
2314 학위논문 High Pressure Enabled Synthesis of Ultrahigh Aspect Ratio Materials for Superconductive and Optoelectronic Applications 미리보기
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Bischof, Jesse L. The Pennsylvania State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 540 2018 URL
2315 학위논문 High Throughput Block Copolymer Nanoparticle Assembly Methods 미리보기
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Souva, Matthew S. The Ohio State University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 660 2017 URL
2316 학위논문 High-Dimensional Estimation and Optimization With Multiple Structured Signals 미리보기
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Ha, Wooseok. The University of Chicago. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 310 2018 URL
2317 학위논문 High-Dimensional Structured Regression Using Convex Optimization 미리보기
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Yu, Guo. Cornell University. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 310 2018 URL
2318 학위논문 High-Energy-Density Radiative and Material Properties Studies Using Picosecond X-ray Spectroscopy 미리보기
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Stillman, Collin R. University of Rochester. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 530 2018 URL
2319 학위논문 High-Fidelity Simulation of Small-Body Lander/Rover Spacecraft 미리보기
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Van wal, Stefaan. University of Colorado at Boulder. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 629.1 2018 URL
2320 학위논문 High-Speed Hybrid Silicon-Lithium Niobate Electro-Optic Modulators & Related Technologies 미리보기
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Weigel, Peter O. University of California, San Diego. : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 535 2018 URL
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