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검색 타입
검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
117건 중 117건 출력
1/6 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행기관 청구기호 발행년 수록
1 학위논문 (A)study on unitary equivalence and co-normality of operators in Hilbert spaces 미리보기
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Soo-Yong Lee Kyung Hee Univ 414.5 이56ㅅ 1992
2 학위논문 (An) Investigation of the Value of Minimizing Objective Functions over the Efficient Set in Multiple Criteria Decision Making 미리보기
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Dong-yeup Lee [지음] University of Florida 325 D682i 1992
3 학위논문 (The)Studies on the Isolation and Identification of Inhibitory Substance of Spore Germination from Medicinal Plants and its Application to Food Industry 미리보기
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SEUNG-TAEK JI 건국대학교 591 지54ㄷ 1992
4 학위논문 (The)relationship between learning style of field independence/dependence and the use of learning strategies of korean adult learners of english as a second language 미리보기
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Young-Min Kim Texas A&M University 740 김64ㄹ 1992
5 학위논문 2중 절연막 ZnS : Electroluminescence of ZnS 미리보기
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崔光鎬 仁荷大學校 427.62 최15ㅇ 1992
6 학위논문 A simulation study comparing various confidence intervals for the mean of voucher populations in accounting 미리보기
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[by] Ihnshik Lee The University of North Texas 413.8 이68ㅅ 1992
7 학위논문 ASEAN의 協力樣相과 限界 미리보기
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鄭址泳 忠南大學校 349.14 정78ㅇ 1992
8 학위논문 CH₃CN 가스感知素子의 製造 및 그 特性 : Fabrication and characteristics of CH₃CN sensing devices 미리보기
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朴孝德 慶北大學校 569.4 박95ㅅ 1992
9 학위논문 Charles Dickens의 급진적 인본주의 미리보기
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朴경緖 大邱大學校 843 박14ㅊ 1992
10 학위논문 Die Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen Sudkorea und der BRD 미리보기
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Kim, Moo-Hyong Universitat zu Munster 322.8311 M817d 1992
11 학위논문 Dilation theory on operator algebras and related topics : 作用素代數의 膨脹理論과 關聯分野 미리보기
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Bok JaKim Kyungpook National Univ 414.7 김45ㄷ 1992
12 학위논문 Ferrite Co₁ Cd Fe₂O₄의 Moessbauer 효과 연구 : Moessbauer effect studies of ferrite Co₁ Cd Fe₂O₄ 미리보기
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李相勳 嶺南大學校 425.8 이52ㅍ 1992
13 학위논문 Gefuge, mechanische Eingenschaften und Schadigungsmechanismen oberflachenbeanspruchter Aluminiumoxdkeramiken 미리보기
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Sang-Hee Park Universitat Stuttgart 530.43 박52ㄱ 1992
14 학위논문 George Eliot의 Humanism 연구 : (A)study of George Eliot''s humanism 미리보기
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任贊彬 高麗大學校 843 임82ㅈ 1992
15 학위논문 George Eliot의 상상적 공감력 : (A)study on imaginative sympathy in George Eliot''s novels 미리보기
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具美香 嶺南大學校 843 구38ㅈ 1992
16 학위논문 George Eliot의 상상적 공감력 : (A)study on imaginative sympathy in George Eliot''s novels 미리보기
가야대학교 대출불가(별치) 열기
具美香 嶺南大學校 843 구38ㅈ 1992
17 학위논문 Henry Fielding의 倫理觀 : Henry fielding''s moral view 미리보기
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成炳輝 嶺南大學校 843 성44ㅎ 1992
18 학위논문 Henry Fielding의 倫理觀 : Henry fielding''s moral view 미리보기
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成炳輝 嶺南大學校 843 성44ㅎ 1992
19 학위논문 Henry James의 후기소설에 나타난 의식의 변증법적 성장 : Dialectic growth of consciousness in Henry James''s later novels 미리보기
가야대학교 대출불가(별치) 열기
林虎成 慶北大學校 843 임95하 1992
20 학위논문 Henry James의 후기소설에 나타난 의식의 변증법적 성장 : Dialectic growth of consciousness in Henry James''s later novels 미리보기
가야대학교 대출불가(별치) 열기
林虎成 慶北大學校 813.4 임95ㅎ 1992
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