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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
61 전자책 You Are There : Restoring Churches, People, and Places [electronic resource] 미리보기
Campbell, Robert W. Wipf and Stock Publishers 2016 URL
62 전자책 You Never Can Tell : Smog : Two Novellas / [electronic resource] ; 미리보기
Sharpe, Mike 2013 URL
63 전자책 You are here : a field guide for navigating polluted Information / 미리보기
Phillips, Whitney The MIT Press 2021 URL
64 전자책 You are here : a field guide for navigating polluted Information / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Phillips, Whitney The MIT Press 2021 URL
65 전자책 You are tearing me apart, Lisa! : the year's work on The room, the worst movie ever made / 미리보기
Rosen, Adam M. 2022 URL
66 전자책 You are the brand [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Adubato, Steve. Rutgers University Press 2011 URL
67 전자책 You are what you read : a practical guide to reading well / 미리보기
DiYanni, Robert Princeton University Press 2021 URL
68 전자책 You are what you read : a practical guide to reading well / [electronic resource] 미리보기
DiYanni, Robert Princeton University Press 2021 URL
69 전자책 You can fight for your life : emotional factors in the causation of cancer / 미리보기
LeShan, Lawrence L. 2014 URL
70 전자책 You can teach med-surg nursing! : the authoritative guide and toolkit for the medical-surgical nursing clinical instructor / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Miller, Mary A. Springer Publishing Company 2014 URL
71 전자책 You don't look sick! : living well with invisible chronic illness / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Selak, Joy H. Demos Health 2013 URL
72 전자책 You know you're a Republican/Democrat if-- / 미리보기
Benjamin, Frank 2016 URL
73 전자책 You say you want a revolution? : radical idealism and its tragic consequences / 미리보기
Chirot, Daniel Princeton University Press 2020 URL
74 전자책 You're Not a Failure / 미리보기
Whitney Fleming John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (trade) 9999 URL
75 전자책 You're Paid What You're Worth 미리보기
Rosenfeld, Jake. Harvard University Press (Bibliovault) : Harvard University Press 2021 URL
76 전자책 You're Paid What You're Worth. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rosenfeld, Jake. Harvard University Press (Bibliovault) : Harvard University Press 2021 URL
77 전자책 You're not dead until you're forgotten : a memoir / 미리보기
Dunning, John 2014 URL
78 전자책 You're the principal! now what? : strategies and solutions for new school leaders / 미리보기
Schwanke, Jennifer 2016 URL
79 전자책 You've got 00:00:08 seconds : communication secrets for a distracted world / 미리보기
Hellman, Paul 2017 URL
80 전자책 YouTube 콘텐츠 아이디어 50 [전자책] 미리보기
민재희 지음 유페이퍼 2021 URL
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