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검색어[가나다ABC : Y]
108건 중 108건 출력
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
41 전자책 Yiddish in Israel : A History [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rojanski, Rachel. Indiana University Press 2020 URL
42 전자책 Yield curve modeling and forecasting : the dynamic Nelson-Siegel approach / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Diebold, Francis X. Princeton University Press 2013 URL
43 전자책 Yii application development cookbook : a cookbook covering both practical Yii application development tips and the most important Yii features / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Makarov, Aleksandr. Packt Publishing 2013 URL
44 전자책 Yoga Therapy for Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis 미리보기
Danford, Jean. Singing Dragon 2016 URL
45 전자책 Yoga XXL : a journey to health for bigger people / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kollak, Ingrid. Demos Health 2013 URL
46 전자책 Yoga and Parkinson's disease : a journey to health and healing / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Van Hulsteyn, Peggy. Demos Medical Publishing, LLC 2013 URL
47 전자책 Yoga and fertility : a journey to health and healing / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Petigara, Jill Mahrlig. DemosHealth 2013 URL
48 전자책 Yoga for Grief and Loss : Poses, Meditation, Devotion, Self-Reflection, Selfless Acts, Ritual / 미리보기
Helbert, Karla 2015 URL
49 전자책 Yoga for Speech-Language Development 미리보기
Longtin, Susan E. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017 URL
50 전자책 Yoga for a happy back : a teacher's guide to spinal health through yoga therapy / 미리보기
Krentzman, Rachel 2016 URL
51 전자책 Yoga for surfing : tips, techniques, and living in the flow state / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Konah, Dashama Falcon 2018 URL
52 전자책 Yoga girls' club : do yoga, make art, be you / 미리보기
Bryant, Tiffani Olivia 2015 URL
53 전자책 Yoga therapy : a principles based approach / 미리보기
Foulkes, James 2017 URL
54 전자책 Yogic cooking : nutritious vegetarian food / 미리보기
Garuda Hellas 2015 URL
55 전자책 Yonfan's Bugis Street / 미리보기
Chan, Kenneth 2015 URL
56 전자책 Yosef Haim Brenner : a life / 미리보기
Shapira, Anita 2014 URL
57 전자책 Yosemite : the embattled wilderness / 미리보기
Runte, Alfred Lyons Press 2020 URL
58 전자책 Yosemite : the embattled wilderness / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Runte, Alfred Lyons Press 2020 URL
59 전자책 You Are There : Restoring Churches, People, and Places [electronic resource] 미리보기
Campbell, Robert W. Wipf and Stock Publishers 2016 URL
60 전자책 You Never Can Tell : Smog : Two Novellas / [electronic resource] ; 미리보기
Sharpe, Mike 2013 URL
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