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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
961 전자책 Working congress : a guide for senators, representatives, and citizens / 미리보기
Mann, Robert 2014 URL
962 전자책 Working in class : recognizing how social class shapes our academic work / 미리보기
Hurst, Allison L. Nenga, Sandi Kawecka 2016 URL
963 전자책 Working knowledge : making the human sciences from Parsons to Kuhn / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Isaac, Joel Harvard University Press 2012 URL
964 전자책 Working on a dream : the progressive political vision of Bruce Springsteen / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Masciotra, David. Continuum 2010 URL
965 전자책 Working the case : law enforcement, police work, and police organizations / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Murley, Leon Britannica Educational Publishing in association with the Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 2017 URL
966 전자책 Working therapeutically with families : creative activities for diverse family structures / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hill, Kimberly. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2014 URL
967 전자책 Working toward success : board and superintendent interactions, relationships, and hiring issues / 미리보기
Evert, Thomas F. Van Deuren, Amy Lang, Bette A. 2016 URL
968 전자책 Working with Americans : how to build profitable business relationships / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Stewart-Allen, Allyson 2020 URL
969 전자책 Working with Dreams and PTSD Nightmares: 14 Approaches for Psychotherapists and Counselors : 14 Approaches for Psychotherapists and Counselors [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jacquie E. Lewis Ph.D.; Stanley C. Krippner Ph.D. Praeger 2016 URL
970 전자책 Working with Legacy Systems : a Practical Guide to Looking after and Maintaining the Systems We Inherit 미리보기
Annett, Robert. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
971 전자책 Working with Parents : as Partners in Special Educational Needs [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gascoigne, Eileen. Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
972 전자책 Working with drug and alcohol users : a guide to providing understanding, assessment and support / [electronic resource] 미리보기
White, Tony Jessica Kingsley Pub. 2013 URL
973 전자책 Working with high-risk adolescents : an individualized family therapy approach / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Selekman, Matthew D. The Guilford Press 2017 URL
974 전자책 Working with interpreters and translators : a guide for speech-language pathologists and audiologists / 미리보기
Langdon, Henriette W. 2016 URL
975 전자책 Working with millennials : using emotional intelligence and strategic compassion to motivate the next generation of leaders / 미리보기
Robertson, Marc Praeger 2016 URL
976 전자책 Working with nature in Aotearoa New Zealand : an ethnography of coastal protection / 미리보기
Gesing, Friederike 2016 URL
977 전자책 Working with qualitative data [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Gibson, William J. SAGE 2009 URL
978 전자책 Working with the Trauma of Rape and Sexual Violence 미리보기
Daniels, Sue J. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2016 URL
979 전자책 Working with the emotional investor : financial psychology for wealth managers / 미리보기
White, Chris Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC. 2016 URL
980 전자책 Working with violence and confrontation using solution focused approaches : creative practice with children, young people and adults / 미리보기
Milner, Judith 2017 URL
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