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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
21 전자책 The Virtues and Vices in the Arts : a Sourcebook / 미리보기
Tucker, Shawn R. 2015 URL
22 전자책 The Voice Book for Trans and Non Binary People : a Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Authentic Voice and Communication 미리보기
Mills, Matthew. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017 URL
23 전자책 The vaccine debate / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Davidson, Tish Greenwood 2019 URL
24 전자책 The value of life : the rise and fall of a scientific research programme / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Elvik, Rune Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018 URL
25 전자책 The value of psychotherapy : the talking cure in an age of clinical science / 미리보기
Woolfolk, Robert L. 2015 URL
26 전자책 The vanishing generation : faith and uprising in modern Uzbekistan / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bukharbayeva, Bagila Indiana University Press 2019 URL
27 전자책 The vanishing middle class : prejudice and power in a dual economy / 미리보기
Temin, Peter The MIT Press 2017 URL
28 전자책 The varieties of magical experience : indigenous, medieval, and modern magic / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hume, Lynne. Praeger 2013 URL
29 전자책 The varieties of religious experience : a study in human nature / 미리보기
James, William 2015 URL
30 전자책 The variety of integral ecologies : nature, culture, and knowledge in the planetary era / 미리보기
Mickey, Sam Kelly, Sean M. Robbert, Adam State University of New York Press 2017 URL
31 전자책 The verdict of battle : the law of victory and the making of modern war / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Whitman, James Q. Harvard University Press 2012 URL
32 전자책 The vertical mosaic : an analysis of social class and power in Canada / 미리보기
Porter, John 2015 URL
33 전자책 The vestigial heart : a novel of the robot age / 미리보기
Torras, Carme The MIT Press 2018 URL
34 전자책 The view from above : the science of social space / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Haffner, Jeanne MIT Press 2013 URL
35 전자책 The viola, how it works : a practical guide to viola ownership / 미리보기
Pagliaro, Michael J. 2023 URL
36 전자책 The violence of climate change : lessons of resistance from nonviolent activists / 미리보기
O'Brien, Kevin J. Georgetown University Press 2017 URL
37 전자책 The violence of hate : understanding harmful forms of bias and bigotry / 미리보기
Levin, Jack 2016 URL
38 전자책 The virtues of abandon : an anti-individualist history of the French Enlightenment / 미리보기
Coleman, Charly 2014 URL
39 전자책 The virtues of sustainability / 미리보기
Kawall, Jason Oxford University Press 2021 URL
40 전자책 The virtues of sustainability / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kawall, Jason Oxford University Press 2021 URL
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