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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1181 전자책 Transparency in global environmental governance : critical perspectives / 미리보기
Gupta, Aarti 2014 URL
1182 전자책 Transparency in statistical information for the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and all federal statistical agencies / [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Panel on Transparency and Reproducibility of Federal Statistics for the National C 2022 URL
1183 전자책 Transparent teaching of adolescents : defining the ideal class for students and teachers / 미리보기
Keller-Kyriakides, Mindy 2016 URL
1184 전자책 Transplant imaginary : mechanical hearts, animal parts, and moral thinking in highly experimental science / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Sharp, Lesley A. University of California Press 2014 URL
1185 전자책 Transplanting care : shifting commitments in health and care in the united states / 미리보기
Heinemann, Laura L. 2016 URL
1186 전자책 Transport matters : integrated approaches to planning city-regions / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hull, Angela. Routledge 2011 URL
1187 전자책 Transport of information-carriers in semiconductors & nanodevices / 미리보기
El-Saba, Muhammad Engineering Science Reference 2017 URL
1188 전자책 Transport, mobility, and the production of urban space / 미리보기
Cidell, Julie Prytherch, David 2015 URL
1189 전자책 Transportation of laboratory animals : proceedings of a workshop / 미리보기
McAdams, Patricia The National Academies Press 2017 URL
1190 전자책 Transportation, logistics, and supply chain management in home healthcare / 미리보기
Euchi, Jalel IGI Global 2020 URL
1191 전자책 Transportation, logistics, and supply chain management in home healthcare / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Euchi, Jalel IGI Global 2020 URL
1192 전자책 Trapped in Iran : a mother's desperate journey to freedom / 미리보기
Hezari, Samieh Indiana University Press 2016 URL
1193 전자책 Trash : African cinema from below / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Harrow, Kenneth W. Indiana University Press 2013 URL
1194 전자책 Trauma And The Vietnam War Generation : Report Of Findings From The National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study 미리보기
Kulka. Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
1195 전자책 Trauma among older people : issues and treatment / 미리보기
Hyer, Lee 2014 URL
1196 전자책 Trauma and expressive arts therapy : brain, body, and imagination in the healing process / 미리보기
Malchiodi, Cathy A. The Guilford Press 2020 URL
1197 전자책 Trauma and repair : confronting segregation and violence in America / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Stopford, Annie 2020 URL
1198 전자책 Trauma and the voice : a guide for singers, teachers, and other practitioners / 미리보기
Jaworski Koriath, Emily 2023 URL
1199 전자책 Trauma bonding and interpersonal crimes / 미리보기
Reid, Joan A. Wiley 2024 URL
1200 전자책 Trauma counselling : principles and practice in South Africa today / 미리보기
Herbst, Alida Reitsma, Gerda 2016 URL
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