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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1041 전자책 Trafficking data : how China is winning the battle for digital sovereignty / 미리보기
Kokas, Aynne 2023 URL
1042 전자책 Tragedy since 9/11 : reading a world out of joint / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wallace, Jennifer 2020 URL
1043 전자책 Tragic cognition in Shakespeare's Othello : beyond the neural sublime / 미리보기
Cefalu, Paul 2015 URL
1044 전자책 Tragic views of the human condition : cross-cultural comparisons between views of human nature in Greek and Shakespearean tragedy and the Maha?bha?rata and Bhagavadgi?ta? / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Minnema, Lourens Bloomsbury 2013 URL
1045 전자책 Trail tested : a thru-hiker's guide to ultralight hiking and backpacking / 미리보기
Lichter, Justin 2021 URL
1046 전자책 Trailblazer : a biography of Jerry Brown / [electronic resource] 미리보기
McFadden, Chuck University of California Press 2013 URL
1047 전자책 Trails of Northern California : Including Best Dog Friendly Beaches / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Mullally, Linda B. Guilford, Connecticut 2017 URL
1048 전자책 Trails to the top : 50 Colorado Front Range mountain hikes / 미리보기
Paul, Susan Joy 2023 URL
1049 전자책 Train your brain : challenging yet elementary mathematics / 미리보기
Kamin?ski, Bogumi흢 CRC Press 2020 URL
1050 전자책 Train your brain : challenging yet elementary mathematics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kamin?ski, Bogumi흢 CRC Press 2020 URL
1051 전자책 Training Retrievers : The Cotton Pershall Method / [electronic resource] 미리보기
George, Bobby N., Jr. 2021 URL
1052 전자책 Training Systems Using Python Statistical Modeling : Explore Popular Techniques for Modeling Your Data in Python [electronic resource] 미리보기
Miller, Curtis. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
1053 전자책 Training That Delivers Results : Instructional Design That Aligns with Business Goals [electronic resource] 미리보기
Handshaw, Dick. AMACOM 2014 URL
1054 전자책 Training in motion : how to use movement to create engaging and effective learning / 미리보기
Kuczala, Mike. 2015 URL
1055 전자책 Training the Future Child Health Care Workforce to Improve the Behavioral Health of Children, Youth, and Families : Proceedings of a Workshop [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. National Academies Press 2017 URL
1056 전자책 Training your pointing dog for hunting and home / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Weaver, Richard Stackpole Books 2019 URL
1057 전자책 Trajectory : 7 career strategies to take you from where you are to where you want to be / 미리보기
Van Rooy, David L. 2014 URL
1058 전자책 Trans : gender and race in an age of unsettled identities / 미리보기
Brubaker, Rogers Princeton University Press 2016 URL
1059 전자책 Trans children in today's schools / 미리보기
Key, Aidan 2023 URL
1060 전자책 Trans people in higher education / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Beemyn, Genny State University of New York Press 2019 URL
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