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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
181 전자책 Tallis / [electronic resource] 미리보기
McCarthy, Kerry Robin Oxford University Press 2020 URL
182 전자책 Taming Risk : Uncertainty, Trust and the Sociological Discourse of Modernity 미리보기
Burzynski, Jan. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014 URL
183 전자책 Taming the corporation : how to regulate for success / 미리보기
Baldwin, Robert Oxford University Press 2020 URL
184 전자책 Taming the corporation : how to regulate for success / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Baldwin, Robert Oxford University Press 2020 URL
185 전자책 Taming the megabanks : why we we need a new Glass-Steagall Act to break up financial giants and prevent another systemic crisis / 미리보기
Wilmarth, Arthur E. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
186 전자책 Taming the megabanks : why we we need a new Glass-Steagall Act to break up financial giants and prevent another systemic crisis / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wilmarth, Arthur E. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
187 전자책 Taming the sun : innovations to harness solar energy and power the planet / 미리보기
Sivaram, Varun The MIT Press 2018 URL
188 전자책 Taming the tide of capital flows : a policy guide / 미리보기
Ghosh, Atish R. MIT Press 2017 URL
189 전자책 Taming the unknown : a history of algebra from antiquity to the early twentieth century / 미리보기
Katz, Victor J. 2014 URL
190 전자책 Taming uncertainty / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hertwig, Ralph MIT Press 2019 URL
191 전자책 Tank warfare / 미리보기
Black, Jeremy Indiana University Press 2020 URL
192 전자책 Tantrums! : managing meltdowns in public and private / 미리보기
Phelan, Thomas W. ParentMagic, Inc. 2014 URL
193 전자책 Tap : unlocking the mobile economy / 미리보기
Ghose, Anindya The MIT Press 2017 URL
194 전자책 Tapping into the skills of 21st-century school librarians : a concise handbook for administrators / 미리보기
Church, Audrey P. 2016 URL
195 전자책 Tapping the power of personalized learning : a roadmap for school leaders / 미리보기
Rickabaugh, James. 2016 URL
196 전자책 Tarascon Adult Emergency Pocketbook [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Hamilton, Richard J. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 2021 URL
197 전자책 Tarascon adult emergency pocketbook / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hamilton, Richard J. Jones and Bartlett. 2017 URL
198 전자책 Tarascon pain pocketbook / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Motov, Sergey M. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2018 URL
199 전자책 Tarascon pediatric emergency pocketbook / 미리보기
Mahajan, Prashant Jones & Bartlett Learning 2021 URL
200 전자책 Tarascon pocket orthopaedica / 미리보기
Rispoli, Damian M. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2020 URL
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