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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
321 전자책 Technologies of the human corpse / 미리보기
Troyer, John The MIT Press 2020 URL
322 전자책 Technologies of vision : the war between data and images / 미리보기
Anderson, Steve F. The MIT Press 2017 URL
323 전자책 Technologies to lead schools : key concepts to enhance student success / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ivory, Gary Rowman & Littlefield 2019 URL
324 전자책 Technology Developments to Advance Antarctic Research : Proceedings of a Workshop [electronic resource] 미리보기
Geller, Laurie. McGovern, Bridget. National Academies Press 2022 URL
325 전자책 Technology and Society : a Canadian Perspective, Second Edition 미리보기
Goyder, John. University of Toronto Press 2015 URL
326 전자책 Technology and digital initiatives : innovative approaches for museums / 미리보기
Decker, Juilee 2015 URL
327 전자책 Technology and energy sources monitoring : control, efficiency, and optimization / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Flizikowski, Jozef Information Science Reference 2013 URL
328 전자책 Technology and financial crisis : economical and analytical views / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Koyuncugil, Ali Serhan Ozgulbas, Nermin Business Science Reference 2013 URL
329 전자책 Technology and innovation for sustainable development / 미리보기
Vos, Rob Alarco?n Gonza?lez, Diana 2016 URL
330 전자책 Technology and professional identity of librarians : the making of the cybrarian / 미리보기
Hicks, Deborah 2014 URL
331 전자책 Technology and society : building our sociotechnical future 미리보기
MIT Press 2021 URL
332 전자책 Technology and society : building our sociotechnical future. [electronic resource] 미리보기
MIT Press 2021 URL
333 전자책 Technology and the resilience of metropolitan regions / 미리보기
Pagano, Michael A. 2015 URL
334 전자책 Technology and the search for progress in modern Mexico / 미리보기
Beatty, Edward 2015 URL
335 전자책 Technology as a tool for diversity leadership : implementation and future implications / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lewis, Joel P. Green, Andre M. Surry, Daniel W. Information Science Reference 2013 URL
336 전자책 Technology as human social tradition : cultural transmission among hunter-gatherers [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jordan, Peter. University of California Press 2014 URL
337 전자책 Technology culture, and develolpment : the experience of the Soviet model / 미리보기
Graham, Loren R. Routledge 2015 URL
338 전자책 Technology development for adsorptive heat energy converters : emerging research and opportunities / 미리보기
Sukhyy, Kostyantyn M. Engineering Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global 2021 URL
339 전자책 Technology development for adsorptive heat energy converters : emerging research and opportunities / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Sukhyy, Kostyantyn M. Engineering Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global 2021 URL
340 전자책 Technology differences over space and time / 미리보기
Caselli, Francesco Princeton University Press 2017 URL
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