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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
61 전자책 A Student's Guide to U.S. History 미리보기
McClay, Wilfred M. 2014 URL
62 전자책 A Student's Guide to the Core Curriculum 미리보기
Henrie, Mark C. 2014 URL
63 전자책 A Student's Guide to the Study of Law 미리보기
Bradley, Gerard V. 2014 URL
64 전자책 A Study of the Parallels Between Visual Art and Music : the Big Misconception 미리보기
Jurec?ic?, Bostjan. Cambridge Scholars Publisher 2019 URL
65 전자책 A Study of the Parallels Between Visual Art and Music : the Big Misconception. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jurec?ic?, Bostjan. Cambridge Scholars Publisher 2019 URL
66 전자책 A Swift guide to the butterflies of Mexico and Central America / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Glassberg, Jeffrey Princeton University Press 2017 URL
67 전자책 A Swim in a Pond in the Rain : in which four Russians give a master class on writing, reading, and life / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Saunders, George 2021 URL
68 전자책 A sad and sorry state of disorder : a journey into borderline personality disorder (and out the other side) / 미리보기
Barker, Tracy 2017 URL
69 전자책 A sampler of useful computational tools for applied geometry, computer graphics, and image processing / 미리보기
Cohen-Or, Daniel Greif, Chen 2015 URL
70 전자책 A scientific assessment of alternatives for reducing water management effects on threatened and endangered fishes in California's bay-delta [electronic resource] / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Sustainable Water and Environmental Management in the California Bay-Delta National Academies Press 2010 URL
71 전자책 A sea of glass : searching for the Blaschkas fragile legacy in an ocean at risk / 미리보기
Harvell, C. Drew 2016 URL
72 전자책 A sense of justice : legal knowledge and lived experience in Latin America / 미리보기
Brunnegger, Sandra Faulk, Karen Ann 2016 URL
73 전자책 A series of fortunate events : chance and the making of the planet, life, and you / 미리보기
Carroll, Sean B. Princeton University Press 2020 URL
74 전자책 A series of fortunate events : chance and the making of the planet, life, and you / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Carroll, Sean B. Princeton University Press 2020 URL
75 전자책 A setting for excellence : the story of the planning and development of the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan / 미리보기
Mayer, Frederick W. University of Michigan Press 2015 URL
76 전자책 A sheltering tree : inspirational stories of faith, fidelity, and friendship / 미리보기
Wilcox, Peter C. 2014 URL
77 전자책 A short Introduction to understanding and supporting children with eating disorders / 미리보기
Watson, Lucy Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2016 URL
78 전자책 A short history of Britain / 미리보기
Black, Jeremy 2015 URL
79 전자책 A short history of English Renaissance drama / 미리보기
Hackett, Helen. 2013 URL
80 전자책 A short history of Greek philosophy / 미리보기
Marshall, John 2015 URL
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