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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
341 전자책 School library day-to-day operations : just the basics / 미리보기
Stephens, Claire Gatrell 2014 URL
342 전자책 School library makerspaces in action / 미리보기
Moorefield-Lang, Heather Libraries Unlimited, An Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2018 URL
343 전자책 School library story time : just the basics / 미리보기
Copeland, Brenda S. 2013 URL
344 전자책 School nursing : a comprehensive text / 미리보기
Selekman, Janice Shannon, Robin Adair Yonkaitis, Catherine F. F.A. Davis Company 2019 URL
345 전자책 School nursing : a comprehensive text / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Selekman, Janice. F.A. Davis 2013 URL
346 전자책 School nursing : a comprehensive text / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Selekman, Janice Shannon, Robin Adair Yonkaitis, Catherine F. F.A. Davis Company 2019 URL
347 전자책 School nursing : the essential reference / 미리보기
Loschiavo, Janice Springer Publishing Company 2021 URL
348 전자책 School psychology : professional issues and practices / 미리보기
Grapin, Sally L. Kranzler, John H. Springer Publishing Company 2018 URL
349 전자책 School shooters : understanding high school, college, and adult perpetrators / 미리보기
Langman, Peter F. 2015 URL
350 전자책 School success : an opportunity for population health : proceedings of a workshop / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wizemann, Theresa M. 2020 URL
351 전자책 School supports for students in military families [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Fenning, Pamela The Guilford Press 2021 URL
352 전자책 School supports for students in military families [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Fenning, Pamela The Guilford Press 2021 URL
353 전자책 School was our life : remembering progressive education / 미리보기
Martin, Jane Roland Indiana University Press 2018 URL
354 전자책 School's out : gay and lesbian teachers in the classroom / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Connell, Catherine University of California Press 2015 URL
355 전자책 School, Family, and Community Partnerships : Preparing Educators and Improving Schools 미리보기
Epstein, Joyce Levy Routledge 2018 URL
356 전자책 School-Based Observation : A Practical Guide to Assessing Student Behavior / 미리보기
Briesch, Amy M. The Guilford Press 2018 URL
357 전자책 School-based behavioral assessment : informing prevention and intervention / 미리보기
Chafouleas, Sandra The Guilford Press, a division of Guilford Publications, Inc. 2021 URL
358 전자책 School-based behavioral assessment : informing prevention and intervention / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Chafouleas, Sandra The Guilford Press, a division of Guilford Publications, Inc. 2021 URL
359 전자책 School-based family counseling : an interdisciplinary practitioner's guide / 미리보기
Gerrard, Brian A. Carter, Michael J. Ribera, Deborah Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group 2020 URL
360 전자책 School-based family counseling : an interdisciplinary practitioner's guide / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gerrard, Brian A. Carter, Michael J. Ribera, Deborah Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group 2020 URL
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