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2181 전자책 The social labs revolution : a new approach to solving our most complex challenges / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hassan, Zaid. Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2014 URL
2182 전자책 The social leader : redefining leadership for the complex social age / 미리보기
Guglielmo, Frank. 2014 URL
2183 전자책 The social life of forensic evidence / 미리보기
Kruse, Corinna 2016 URL
2184 전자책 The social life of money / 미리보기
Dodd, Nigel Princeton University Press 2016 URL
2185 전자책 The social origins of language [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Seyfarth, Robert M. Princeton University Press 2018 URL
2186 전자책 The social psychology of gender : how power and intimacy shape gender relations / 미리보기
Rudman, Laurie A. The Guilford Press 2021 URL
2187 전자책 The social psychology of gender : how power and intimacy shape gender relations / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rudman, Laurie A. The Guilford Press 2021 URL
2188 전자책 The social psychology of good and evil / 미리보기
Miller, Arthur G. 2016 URL
2189 전자책 The social psychology of the classroom [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Babad, Elisha Y. Routledge 2009 URL
2190 전자책 The social sense of the human experience : thinking about Vom Menschen of Werner Sombart / 미리보기
Iannone, Roberta 2016 URL
2191 전자책 The social value of drug addicts : the uses of the useless / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Singer, Merrill 2014 URL
2192 전자책 The social work field instructor's survival guide / 미리보기
Hensley, Melissa Springer Publishing Company 2016 URL
2193 전자책 The social work field placement : a competency-based approach / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Poulin, John E. Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2019 URL
2194 전자책 The social worker's guide to children and families law [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Davis, Lynn. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2014 URL
2195 전자책 The social worker's practice manual / 미리보기
Thompson, Neil Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2023 URL
2196 전자책 The social worlds of nineteenth-century chamber music : composers, consumers, communities / 미리보기
Sumner Lott, Marie 2015 URL
2197 전자책 The socialist good life : desire, development, and standards of living in Eastern Europe / 미리보기
Scarboro, Cristofer Mincyte, Diana Gille, Zsuzsa Indiana University Press 2020 URL
2198 전자책 The socialist sixties : crossing borders in the Second World / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gorsuch, Anne E. Koenker, Diane Indiana University Press 2013 URL
2199 전자책 The socialist way : social democracy in contemporary Britain / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hattersley, Roy Hickson, Kevin 2013 URL
2200 전자책 The society of captives; a study of a maximum security prison 미리보기
Sykes, Gresham M. Princeton University Press 1970 URL
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