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201건 중 201건 출력
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
101 전자책 Solar energy : application, economics, and public perception / 미리보기
Adaramola, Muyiwa 2015 URL
102 전자책 Solid acid catalysis : from fundamentals to applications / 미리보기
Hattori, Hideshi 2015 URL
103 전자책 Solidarity, Memory and Identity / 미리보기
Owczarski, Wojciech Cremasco, Maria Virginia Filomena 2015 URL
104 전자책 Solved Practical Problems in Fluid Mechanics 미리보기
Schaschke, Carl J. CRC Press 2015 URL
105 전자책 Sounding race in rap songs / 미리보기
Kajikawa, Loren 2015 URL
106 전자책 Sounds : the ambient humanities / 미리보기
Mowitt, John 2015 URL
107 전자책 Sounds of the New Deal : the Federal Music Project in the West / 미리보기
Gough, Peter 2015 URL
108 전자책 Southern identity and southern estrangement in medieval Chinese poetry / 미리보기
Williams, Nicholas Morrow Wang, Ping 2015 URL
109 전자책 Southern water, Southern power : how the politics of cheap energy and water scarcity shaped a region / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Manganiello, Christopher J. The University of North Carolina Press 2015 URL
110 전자책 Southwestern pottery : Anasazi to Zuni / 미리보기
Hayes, Allan 2015 URL
111 전자책 Soviet leaders and intelligence : assessing the American adversary during the Cold War / 미리보기
Garthoff, Raymond L. 2015 URL
112 전자책 Soviet soft power in Poland : culture and the making of Stalin's new empire, 1943-1957 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Babiracki, Patryk The University of North Carolina Press 2015 URL
113 전자책 Sparse modeling : theory, algorithms, and applications / 미리보기
Rish, Irina 2015 URL
114 전자책 Spatial Point Patterns : Methodology and Applications with R 미리보기
Baddeley, Adrian. CRC Press 2015 URL
115 전자책 Spatial analysis : statistics, visualization, and computational methods / 미리보기
Oyana, Tonny J. 2015 URL
116 전자책 Speaking spirits : ventriloquizing the dead in Renaissance Italy / 미리보기
Roush, Sherry 2015 URL
117 전자책 Special needs and legal entitlement : a practical guide to getting out of the maze / 미리보기
Nettleton, Melinda 2015 URL
118 전자책 Specific Learning Difficulties - What Teachers Need to Know 미리보기
Hudson, Diana. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2015 URL
119 전자책 Spinoza Dictionary 미리보기
Runes, Dagobert D. 2015 URL
120 전자책 Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling : Journeying with psyche and soul / 미리보기
Gubi, Peter Madsen. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2015 URL
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