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검색어[가나다ABC : P]
1,876건 중 1876건 출력
9/94 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
161 전자책 Pakistan : the Taliban, al Qaeda, and the rise of terrorism / 미리보기
Topich, William J. Praeger Security International 2018 URL
162 전자책 Pakistan's Counterterrorism Challenge [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Yusuf, Moeed. Georgetown University Press 2014 URL
163 전자책 Pakistan's blasphemy laws : from Islamic empires to the Taliban / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Abbas, Shemeem Burney. University of Texas Press 2013 URL
164 전자책 Pakistan's political parties : surviving between dictatorship and democracy / 미리보기
Mufti, Mariam Shafqat, Sahar Siddiqui, Niloufer Georgetown University Press 2020 URL
165 전자책 Pal Joey : the history of a heel / 미리보기
Lindberg, Julianne Oxford University Press 2020 URL
166 전자책 Pal Joey : the history of a heel / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lindberg, Julianne Oxford University Press 2020 URL
167 전자책 Paleontology : An Illustrated History [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bainbridge, David. Princeton University Press 2022 URL
168 전자책 Palestinian commemoration in Israel : calendars, monuments, and martyrs / 미리보기
Sorek, Tamir 2015 URL
169 전자책 Palestinian-Israeli Contact and Linguistic Practices / 미리보기
Hawker, Nancy 2013 URL
170 전자책 Paleto? and me : memories of my Indigenous father / 미리보기
Vilac偈a, Aparecida Stanford University Press 2021 URL
171 전자책 Paleto? and me : memories of my Indigenous father / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Vilac偈a, Aparecida Stanford University Press 2021 URL
172 전자책 Palliative care / 미리보기
Campbell, Heather 2014 URL
173 전자책 Palliative care nursing : caring for suffering patients / 미리보기
Perrin, Kathleen Ouimet 2023 URL
174 전자책 Palliative care nursing : quality care to the end of life / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Matzo, Marianne Sherman, Deborah Witt Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2019 URL
175 전자책 Palliative care nursing : quality care to the end of life [electronic resource] 미리보기
Matzo, Marianne. Springer Publishing Company 2014 URL
176 전자책 Palm Beach : a novel / 미리보기
Vanderbilt, Cornelius 2015 URL
177 전자책 Pandas 1.x cookbook : practical recipes for scientific computing, time series analysis and exploratory data analysis using Python / 미리보기
Harrison, Matt Packt Publishing 2020 URL
178 전자책 Pandemic politics : the deadly toll of partisanship in the age of COVID / 미리보기
Gadarian, Shana Kushner 2022 URL
179 전자책 Pandoras box : looking into the conditions of ageing single women in mindanao / 미리보기
Arbiol, Jennifer M. 2014 URL
180 전자책 Panic city : crime and the fear industries in Johannesburg / 미리보기
Murray, Martin J. Stanford University Press 2020 URL
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