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261 전자책 Particulate discrete element modelling : a geomechanics perspective / [electronic resource] 미리보기
O'Sullivan, Catherine. Taylor & Francis 2011 URL
262 전자책 Particulate plastics in terrestrial and aquatic environments / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bolan, Nanthi Kirkham, M. B. Halsband, Claudia Nugegoda, Dayanthi Ok, Yo?ng-sik 2020 URL
263 전자책 Parties, dorms and social norms : a crash course in safe living for young adults on the autism spectrum / 미리보기
Meeks, Lisa 2016 URL
264 전자책 Parting ways : new rituals and celebrations of life's passing / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Carson, Denise. University of California Press 2011 URL
265 전자책 Partly colored : Asian Americans and racial anomaly in the segregated South / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bow, Leslie New York University Press 2010 URL
266 전자책 Partnering with parents : boosting literacy for all ages / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Schreiber, Mary Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2019 URL
267 전자책 Partnering with parents to ask the right questions : a powerful strategy for strengthening school-family partnerships / 미리보기
Santana, Luz 2016 URL
268 전자책 Partnering with patients to drive shared decisions, better value, and care improvement : workshop proceedings / 미리보기
Institute of Medicine (U.S.) 2014 URL
269 전자책 Partners and rivals : the uneasy future of China's relationship with the United States / 미리보기
Dobson, Wendy 2013 URL
270 전자책 Partners in literacy : a writing center model for civic engagement / 미리보기
Brizee, Allen 2016 URL
271 전자책 Partners of the empire : the crisis of the Ottoman order in the Age of Revolutions / 미리보기
Yaycioglu, Ali 2016 URL
272 전자책 Partnership for excellence : medicine at the University of Toronto and academic hospitals / 미리보기
Shorter, Edward 2013 URL
273 전자책 Partnerships and new roles in the 21st-century academic library : collaborating, embedding, and cross-training for the future / 미리보기
Eden, Bradford Lee 2015 URL
274 전자책 Partnerships for emerging research institutions : report of a workshop / [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Partnerships for Emerging Research Institutions National Academies Press 2009 URL
275 전자책 Partnerships the nonprofit way : what matters, what doesn't / 미리보기
Mendel, Stuart C. Indiana University Press 2018 URL
276 전자책 Party competition : an agent-based model / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Laver, Michael Princeton University Press 2012 URL
277 전자책 Pasolini : the sacred flesh / 미리보기
Benini, Stefania 2015 URL
278 전자책 Passing the ARCP : successful portfolio-based learning / 미리보기
Dearman, Samuel 2014 URL
279 전자책 Passing the torch : mentoring the next generation / 미리보기
Snipes, Marjorie M. Salamone, Frank A. 2016 URL
280 전자책 Passionate Enlightenment : Women in Tantric Buddhism / 미리보기
Shaw, Miranda Princeton University Press 2022 URL
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