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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
201 전자책 Parables and conflict in the Hebrew Bible [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Schipper, Jeremy. Cambridge University Press 2009 URL
202 전자책 Paradigm war : lessons learned from 19th century piano pedagogy / 미리보기
Laor, Lia Cambridge Scholars Publishing : Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017 URL
203 전자책 Paradise Transplanted : Migration and the Making of California Gardens [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette. University of California Press 2014 URL
204 전자책 Paradise found : nature in America at the time of discovery / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Nicholls, Steve. University of Chicago Press 2009 URL
205 전자책 Paradox / 미리보기
Cuonzo, Margaret 2014 URL
206 전자책 Paradox and contradiction in theology / 미리보기
Rutledge, Jonathan C. Routledge 2024 URL
207 전자책 Paradoxes of liberal democracy : Islam, Western Europe, and the Danish cartoon crisis / 미리보기
Sniderman, Paul M. 2014 URL
208 전자책 Paradoxes of the popular : crowd politics in Bangladesh / 미리보기
Chowdhury, Nusrat Sabina Stanford University Press 2019 URL
209 전자책 Paradoxes of the popular : crowd politics in Bangladesh / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Chowdhury, Nusrat Sabina Stanford University Press 2019 URL
210 전자책 Parallel Minds : Discovering the Intelligence of Materials / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tripaldi, Laura 2022 URL
211 전자책 Parallel computing : accelerating computational science and engineering (CSE) / 미리보기
International Conference on Parallel Computing (2013 : Garching, Germany) 2014 URL
212 전자책 Parallel computing : on the road to exascale / 미리보기
ParCo (Conference) (2015 : Edinburgh, Scotland) 2016 URL
213 전자책 Parallel computing is everywhere / 미리보기
ParCo (Conference) (2017 : Bologna, Italy) IOS Press 2018 URL
214 전자책 Paranormal nation : why America needs ghosts, UFOs, and bigfoot / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Fitch, Marc E. Praeger 2013 URL
215 전자책 Parasites : the inside story / 미리보기
Gardner, Scott Lyell 2022 URL
216 전자책 Parathyroid surgery : fundamental and advanced concepts / 미리보기
Terris, David J. Duke, William S. Pasieka, Janice 2014 URL
217 전자책 Parent involvement : collaboration is the key for every child's success / 미리보기
Wages, Michele 2016 URL
218 전자책 Parent-led CBT for child anxiety : helping parents help their kids / 미리보기
Creswell, Cathy 2017 URL
219 전자책 Parent-teen therapy for executive function deficits and ADHD : building skills and motivation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Sibley, Margaret H. Guilford Press 2016 URL
220 전자책 Parenting ASD Teens : A Guide to Making it Up As You Go [electronic resource] 미리보기
Schlegelmilch, Andrew. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2014 URL
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