1 |
PLATE : Product Lifetimes And The Environment : Conference Proceedings of PLATE 2017, 8-10 November 2017, Delft, the Netherlands / [electronic resource]
PLATE (Conference) (2nd : 2017 : Delft, Netherlands)
IOS Press
2 |
Perspectives on immigration and terrorism [electronic resource] /
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Perspectives on Immigration and Terrorism (2010 : Milan, Italy)
IOS Press
3 |
Piracy and maritime terrorism : logistics, strategies, scenarios / [electronic resource]
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Piracy and Maritime Terrorism: Logistics, Strategies, Scenarios (2009 : Lisbon, Portugal)
IOS Press
4 |
Prediction and recognition of piracy efforts using collaborative human-centric information systems [electronic resource] /
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Prediction and Recognition of Piracy Efforts Using Collaborative Human-Centric Information Systems (2011 : Salamanc
IOS Press
5 |
Proceedings of the 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2018). Volume 2, Specialist committee reports /
International Ship & Offshore Structures Congress (20th : 2018 : Liege, Belgium ; Amsterdam, Netherlands)
IOS Press
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Proceedings of the 5th International Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference : 5th iYGEC 2013 /
International Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference, (5th : 2013 : Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
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Publishing and consuming linked data : optimizing for the unknown /
Rietveld, Laurens