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검색어[가나다ABC : P]
182건 중 182건 출력
7/10 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2016 삭제


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
121 전자책 Prison food in America / 미리보기
Camplin, Erika 2016 URL
122 전자책 Privacy and the past : research, law, archives, ethics / 미리보기
Lawrence, Susan C. Rutgers University Press 2016 URL
123 전자책 Privacy in the age of Shakespeare : evolving relationships in a changing environment / 미리보기
Huebert, Ronald 2016 URL
124 전자책 Privacy research and best practices : summary of a workshop for the intelligence community / 미리보기
Grumbling, Emily National Academies Press 2016 URL
125 전자책 Private military and security companies : the implications under international law of doing business in war / 미리보기
Calazans, Erika 2016 URL
126 전자책 Privileged mobilities : tourism as world ordering / 미리보기
Tesfahuney, Mekonnen Schough, Katarina 2016 URL
127 전자책 Problem-based learning in the life science classroom, K-12 / 미리보기
McConnell, Tom J. 2016 URL
128 전자책 Problems and new solutions in the boolean domain / 미리보기
Steinbach, Bernd. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016 URL
129 전자책 Professional development that sticks : how do I create meaningful learning experiences for educators? / 미리보기
Ende, Fred 2016 URL
130 전자책 Professional genres from an interpersonal perspective / 미리보기
Toma?s?kova?, Rena?ta Hopkinson, Christopher Zapletalova?, Gabirela 2016 URL
131 전자책 Programming in the primary grades : beyond the hour of code / 미리보기
Patterson, Sam 2016 URL
132 전자책 Promising practices for strengthening the regional STEM workforce development ecosystem / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Improving Higher Education's Responsiveness to STEM Workforce Needs: National Academies Press 2016 URL
133 전자책 Promoting Positive Transition Outcomes : Effective Planning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Young Adults 미리보기
Luft, Pamela. Gallaudet University Press 2016 URL
134 전자책 Promoting child and parent wellbeing : how to use evidence- and strengths-based strategies in practice / 미리보기
Sutton, Carole 2016 URL
135 전자책 Provenance / 미리보기
Levitt, Paul M. 2016 URL
136 전자책 Providing sustainable mental and neurological health care in Ghana and Kenya : workshop summary / 미리보기
Norris, Sheena M. Posey the National Academies Press 2016 URL
137 전자책 Psyche, soul, and spirit : interdisciplinary essays / 미리보기
Berghash, Rachel 2016 URL
138 전자책 Psycho-Emotional Pain and the Eight Extraordinary Vessels [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Farrell, Yvonne R. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2016 URL
139 전자책 Psychoanalytic Conversations : From the Psychotherapeutic Hospital to the Couch / 미리보기
Kayatekin, M. Sagman 2016 URL
140 전자책 Psychological assessment : thinking innovatively in contexts of diversity / 미리보기
Ferreira, Ronel. 2016 URL
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