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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
201 전자책 On the margins of a minority : leprosy, madness, and disability among the jews of medieval europe / 미리보기
Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim. Wayne State University Press 2014 URL
202 전자책 On the meaning of sex / 미리보기
Budziszewski, J. 2012 URL
203 전자책 On the motion of the heart and blood in animals : a new edition of William Harvey's exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Harvey, William. 2016 URL
204 전자책 On the move : changing mechanisms of Mexico-U.S. migration / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Garip, Filiz Princeton University Press 2017 URL
205 전자책 On the nature of the psyche / 미리보기
Jung, C. G. Princeton University Press 1969 URL
206 전자책 On the organic law of change : a facsimile edition and annotated transcription of Alfred Russel Wallace's Species notebook of 1855-1859 / 미리보기
Wallace, Alfred Russel 2013 URL
207 전자책 On the origin of evolution : tracing 'Darwin's dangerous idea' from Aristotle to DNA / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gribbin, John 2022 URL
208 전자책 On the philosophy of Central European art : the history of an institution and its global competitors / 미리보기
Ryyna?nen, Max Lexington Books 2021 URL
209 전자책 On the philosophy of Central European art : the history of an institution and its global competitors / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ryyna?nen, Max Lexington Books 2021 URL
210 전자책 On the trail of blackbody radiation : Max Planck and the physics of his era / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lemons, Don S. 2022 URL
211 전자책 On the ugly : aesthetic exchanges / 미리보기
Forsey, Jane Aagard-Mogensen, Lars Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 URL
212 전자책 On the word of a Jew : religion, reliability, and the dynamics of trust / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Caputo, Nina Hart, Mitchell Bryan Indiana University Press 2019 URL
213 전자책 On theology and psychology : : a correspondence / 미리보기
Jung, C. G. Princeton University Press 2020 URL
214 전자책 On theory : brain-mind teleology and the failure in the success of the human use of science / 미리보기
Arend, Richard J. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 URL
215 전자책 On time : technology and temporality in modern Egypt / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Barak, On. University of California Press 2013 URL
216 전자책 On trade justice : a philosophical plea for a new global deal / 미리보기
Risse, Mathias Oxford University Press 2019 URL
217 전자책 On trade justice : a philosophical plea for a new global deal / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Risse, Mathias Oxford University Press 2019 URL
218 전자책 On translator ethics : principles for mediation between cultures [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pym, Anthony John Benjamins 2012 URL
219 전자책 On understanding grammar / 미리보기
Givo?n, Talmy John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 URL
220 전자책 On war and democracy / 미리보기
Kutz, Christopher Princeton University Press 2016 URL
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