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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
801 전자책 The nexus of biofuels, climate change, and human health : workshop summary / 미리보기
Nexus of Biofuels, Climate Change, and Human Health (Workshop) (2013 : Washington, D.C.) 2014 URL
802 전자책 The night Malcolm X spoke at the Oxford Union : a transatlantic story of antiracial protest / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tuck, Stephen G. N. 2014 URL
803 전자책 The nine elements of a sustainable campus / 미리보기
Thomashow, Mitchell. 2014 URL
804 전자책 The no worries guide to raising your anxious child : a handbook to help you and your anxious child thrive / 미리보기
Cassiday, Karen Lynn Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2022 URL
805 전자책 The no-nonsense guide to divorce : getting through and starting over / 미리보기
Hellis, Lori 2021 URL
806 전자책 The noble school leader : the five-square approach to leading schools with emotional intelligence / 미리보기
Taylor, Matthew Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Imprint 2022 URL
807 전자책 The nonprofit fundraising solution : powerful revenue strategies to take you to the next level / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pagnoni, Laurence A. 2014 URL
808 전자책 The nonviolence handbook : a guide for practical action / 미리보기
Nagler, Michael N. 2014 URL
809 전자책 The noodle narratives : the global rise of an industrial food into the twenty-first century / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Errington, Frederick Karl. University of California Press 2013 URL
810 전자책 The novel : a biography / 미리보기
Schmidt, Michael 2014 URL
811 전자책 The novel : an alternative history, 1600 to 1800 / 미리보기
Moore, Steven 2013 URL
812 전자책 The nuclear effect of computer malware : impact of politics on computer-controlled operational processes / 미리보기
Tipi, Lucian Kogan Page 2016 URL
813 전자책 The number of the heavens : a history of the multiverse and the quest to understand the cosmos 미리보기
Siegfried, Tom Harvard University Press ; 2019 URL
814 전자책 The number of the heavens : a history of the multiverse and the quest to understand the cosmos [electronic resource] 미리보기
Siegfried, Tom Harvard University Press ; 2019 URL
815 전자책 The numerate leader : how to pull game-changing insights from statistical data / 미리보기
King, Thomas A. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2022 URL
816 전자책 The nurse educator's guide to assessing learning outcomes / [electronic resource] 미리보기
McDonald, Mary Jones & Bartlett Learning 2018 URL
817 전자책 The nurse's reality gap : overcoming barriers between academic achievement and clinical success / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Neal-Boylan, Leslie. Sigma Theta Tau International 2013 URL
818 전자책 The nuts & bolts of college writing [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Harvey, Michael Hackett Pub. Co. 2013 URL
819 전자책 n분의 1의 함정 : 합리적이고 전략적인 게임이론의 모든 것 [전자책] 미리보기
하임 샤피라 지음; 반니 2017 URL


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