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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
721 전자책 The nature of the beasts : empire and exhibition at the Tokyo Imperial Zoo / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Miller, Ian Jared University of California Press 2013 URL
722 전자책 The necessity of young adult fiction : the literary agenda / 미리보기
Williams, Deborah Lindsay 2023 URL
723 전자책 The need for humility in policymaking : lessons from regulatory policy / 미리보기
Haeffele, Stefanie Hobson, Anne Rowman & Littlefield International 2019 URL
724 전자책 The need for humility in policymaking : lessons from regulatory policy / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Haeffele, Stefanie Hobson, Anne Rowman & Littlefield International 2019 URL
725 전자책 The need for spiritual communities : and how to start them / 미리보기
Kriyananda 2013 URL
726 전자책 The negative revolution : political subjectivity after the end of the Cold War / 미리보기
Magun, Artemy. 2013 URL
727 전자책 The neglected dimension of global security : a framework to counter infectious disease crises / 미리보기
Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future, : [National Academies Press] : Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Fut 2016 URL
728 전자책 The negotiation book : your definitive guide to successful negotiating / 미리보기
Gates, Steve John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2023 URL
729 전자책 The net effect : romanticism, capitalism, and the internet / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Streeter, Thomas. New York University Press 2011 URL
730 전자책 The netball practice bible : essential drills, session plans and coaching advice / 미리보기
Sheryn, Chris 2015 URL
731 전자책 The network of life : a new view of evolution / 미리보기
Mindell, David P. Princeton University Press 2024 URL
732 전자책 The neural basis of free will : criterial causation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tse, Peter. The MIT Press 2013 URL
733 전자책 The neuropsychology of psychopathology [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Dean, Raymond S. Noggle, Chad A. Springer Pub. Co. 2013 URL
734 전자책 The neuroscience of emotion : a new synthesis / 미리보기
Adolphs, Ralph Princeton University Press 2018 URL
735 전자책 The new Arab man : emergent masculinities, technologies, and Islam in the Middle East / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Inhorn, Marcia Claire Princeton University Press 2012 URL
736 전자책 The new Asia : business strategies for the economic region that is shaking up the world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
James, David L. Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2013 URL
737 전자책 The new Black middle class in the twenty-first century / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Landry, Bart Rutgers University Press 2018 URL
738 전자책 The new Brazil [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Roett, Riordan Brookings Institution Press 2010 URL
739 전자책 The new Brooklyn : what it takes to bring a city back / 미리보기
Hymowitz, Kay S. 2017 URL
740 전자책 The new Elvis / 미리보기
Senna, Wyborn 2014 URL
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