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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
701 전자책 The New World : Infinitesimal Epics [electronic resource] 미리보기
Carelli, Anthony. Princeton University Press 2021 URL
702 전자책 The New York Mets all-time all-stars : the best players at each position for the Amazin's / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wright, Brian 2020 URL
703 전자책 The New York Yankees all-time all-stars : the best players at each position for the Bronx Bombers / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Griffin, Jim Lyons Press 2019 URL
704 전자책 The New York Young Lords and the struggle for liberation / 미리보기
Wanzer-Serrano, Darrel 2015 URL
705 전자책 The Newman lectures on thermodynamics / 미리보기
Newman, John S. Jenny Stanford Publishing 2019 URL
706 전자책 The Newman lectures on thermodynamics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Newman, John S. Jenny Stanford Publishing 2019 URL
707 전자책 The Newman lectures on transport phenomena / 미리보기
Newman, John S. Battaglia, Vincent Jenny Stanford Publishing 2021 URL
708 전자책 The Newman lectures on transport phenomena / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Newman, John S. Battaglia, Vincent Jenny Stanford Publishing 2021 URL
709 전자책 The Nigerian cocoa industry and the international economy in the 1930s : a world-systems approach / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Muojama, O. G. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018 URL
710 전자책 The Nobel factor : the prize in economics, social democracy, and the market turn / 미리보기
Offer, Avner Princeton University Press 2016 URL
711 전자책 The North Carolina birding trail : mountain trail guide [electronic resource] 미리보기
Distributed by University of North Carolina Press 2009 URL
712 전자책 The naked roommate : and 107 other issues you might run into in college / 미리보기
Cohen, Harlan 2017 URL
713 전자책 The narrowboat guide : a complete guide to choosing, designing and maintaining a narrowboat / 미리보기
Jones, Tony 2016 URL
714 전자책 The national park to come / 미리보기
Grebowicz, Margret 2015 URL
715 전자책 The natural city : re-envisioning the built environment / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Scharper, Stephen B. Stefanovic, Ingrid Leman. University of Toronto Press 2012 URL
716 전자책 The natural gardener : a guide to the ancient practice of moon gardening / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Harris, R. J. 2022 URL
717 전자책 The natural speaker / 미리보기
Fujishin, Randy Routledge 2018 URL
718 전자책 The nature of investing : resilient investment strategies through biomimicry / 미리보기
Collins, Katherine. 2014 URL
719 전자책 The nature of nutrition : a unifying framework from animal adaptation to human obesity / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Simpson, Stephen J. Princeton University Press 2012 URL
720 전자책 The nature of slavery : environment and plantation labor in the Anglo-Atlantic world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Johnston, Katherine 2022 URL
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