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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
301 전자책 Neoplastic Lesions of the Skin [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Plaza, Jose, MD. Demos Medical 2014 URL
302 전자책 Neptune / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Roza, Greg. Britannica Educational Publishing in association with Rosen Educational Services 2017 URL
303 전자책 Nerdy, shy, and socially inappropriate : a user guide to an asperger life / 미리보기
Kim, Cynthia A. 2015 URL
304 전자책 Net smart : how to thrive online / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rheingold, Howard MIT Press 2012 URL
305 전자책 Netflix recommends : algorithms, film choice, and the history of taste / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Frey, Mattias 2021 URL
306 전자책 Network Automation Cookbook : Proven and Actionable Recipes to Automate and Manage Network Devices Using Ansible [electronic resource] 미리보기
Okasha, Karim. Packt Publishing, Limited 2020 URL
307 전자책 Network Science with Python and NetworkX Quick Start Guide : Explore and Visualize Network Data Effectively. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Platt, Edward L. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
308 전자책 Network and communication technology innovations for web and IT advancement [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Alkhatib, Ghazi Information Science Reference 2013 URL
309 전자책 Network as a service for next generation internet / 미리보기
Duan, Qiang Wang, Shangguang 2017 URL
310 전자책 Network journalism : journalistic practice in interactive spheres / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Heinrich, Ansgard. Routledge 2011 URL
311 전자책 Network of knowledge : Western science and the Tokugawa information / 미리보기
Jackson, Terrence University of Hawai軻i Press 2016 URL
312 전자책 Network security and communication engineering : Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Network Security and Communication Engineering (NSCE 2014), 25-26, December 2014, Hong Kong / 미리보기
International Conference on Network Security and Communication Engineering (2014 : Hong Kong) 2015 URL
313 전자책 Network security with pfSense : architect, deploy, and operate enterprise-grade firewalls / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Aggarwal, Manuj Packt Publishing 2018 URL
314 전자책 Network vulnerability assessment : identify security loopholes in your network's infrastructure / 미리보기
Rahalkar, Sagar Packt Publishing 2018 URL
315 전자책 Networked : the new social operating system / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rainie, Harrison. MIT Press 2012 URL
316 전자책 Networked press freedom : creating infrastructures for a public right to hear / 미리보기
Ananny, Mike The MIT Press 2018 URL
317 전자책 Networked regionalism as conflict management / 미리보기
Ohanyan, Anna 2015 URL
318 전자책 Networking Fundamentals : Develop the Networking Skills Required to Pass the Microsoft MTA Networking Fundamentals Exam 98-366 미리보기
Davies, Gordon. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
319 전자책 Networking the Bloc : experimental art in Eastern Europe 1965-1981 / 미리보기
Kemp-Welch, Klara The MIT Press 2019 URL
320 전자책 Networking the Bloc : experimental art in Eastern Europe 1965-1981 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kemp-Welch, Klara The MIT Press 2019 URL
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