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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
141 전자책 Machine art in the Twentieth Century / 미리보기
Broeckmann, Andreas The MIT Press 2016 URL
142 전자책 Machine learning / 미리보기
Alpaydin, Ethem The MIT Press 2021 URL
143 전자책 Machine learning / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Alpaydin, Ethem The MIT Press 2021 URL
144 전자책 Machine learning : a probabilistic perspective / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Murphy, Kevin P. MIT Press 2012 URL
145 전자책 Machine learning : the new AI / 미리보기
Alpaydin, Ethem MIT Press 2016 URL
146 전자책 Machine learning and artificial intelligence : proceedings of MLIS 2020 / 미리보기
International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (2020 : Online) IOS Press 2020 URL
147 전자책 Machine learning and artificial intelligence : proceedings of MLIS 2020 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (2020 : Online) IOS Press 2020 URL
148 전자책 Machine learning and artificial intelligence in healthcare systems : tools and techniques / 미리보기
Shaikh, Tawseef Ayoub Hakak, Saqib Rasool, Tabasum Wasid, Mohammed 2023 URL
149 전자책 Machine learning and deep learning in real-time applications / 미리보기
Mahrishi, Mehul Hiran, Kamal Kant Meena, Gaurav Sharma, Paawan Engineering Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global 2020 URL
150 전자책 Machine learning in asset pricing / 미리보기
Nagel, Stefan Princeton University Press 2021 URL
151 전자책 Machine learning in asset pricing / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Nagel, Stefan Princeton University Press 2021 URL
152 전자책 Machine learning with R : learn how to use R to apply powerful machine learning methods and gain an insight into real-world applications / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lantz, Brett. Packt Publishing 2013 URL
153 전자책 Machine learning with R quick start guide : a beginner's guide to implementing machine learning techniques from scratch using R 3.5 / 미리보기
Pastor Sanz, Iva?n Packt Publishing 2019 URL
154 전자책 Machine learning with TensorFlow 1.x : second generation machine learning with Google's brainchild - TensorFlow 1.x / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hua, Quan Packt Publishing 2017 URL
155 전자책 Machine learning, deep learning, big data, and internet of things for healthcare / 미리보기
Patel, Govind Singh Nayak, Seema Chaudhary, Sunil Kumar 2023 URL
156 전자책 Machines like us : toward AI with common sense / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Brachman, Ronald J. 2022 URL
157 전자책 Machines that think : the future of artificial intelligence / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Walsh, Toby Prometheus Books 2018 URL
158 전자책 Machines we trust : perspectives on dependable AI / 미리보기
Pelillo, Marcello Scantamburlo, Teresa The MIT Press 2021 URL
159 전자책 Machines we trust : perspectives on dependable AI / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pelillo, Marcello Scantamburlo, Teresa The MIT Press 2021 URL
160 전자책 Maclise's Surgical Anatomy [전자책] 미리보기
Joseph Maclise 지음 유페이퍼 2016 URL
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