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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1281 전자책 Moral wages : the emotional dilemmas of victim advocacy and counseling / 미리보기
Kolb, Kenneth H. 2014 URL
1282 전자책 Morality and monastic revival in post-Mao Tibet / 미리보기
Caple, Jane E. University of Hawai軻i Press 2019 URL
1283 전자책 Moravian soundscapes : a sonic history of the Moravian Missions in early Pennsylvania / 미리보기
Eyerly, Sarah Justina Indiana University Press 2020 URL
1284 전자책 More Than the Sum of the Parts : Complexity in Physics and Beyond / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Satz, H. 2022 URL
1285 전자책 More about writing : designing student assignments with specific steps / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Roseboro, Anna J. Small Rowman & Littlefield 2019 URL
1286 전자책 More board game education : inspiring students through board games / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hinebaugh, Jeffrey P. Rowman & Littlefield 2018 URL
1287 전자책 More creative coping skills for children : activities, games, stories and handouts to help children self-regulate / 미리보기
Thomas, Bonnie 2016 URL
1288 전자책 More everyday engineering : putting the E in STEM teaching and learning / 미리보기
Moyer, Richard. 2016 URL
1289 전자책 More statistical and methodological myths and urban legends / 미리보기
Lance, Charles E. Vandenberg, Robert J. 2015 URL
1290 전자책 More surprises in theoretical physics / 미리보기
Peierls, Rudolf E. Princeton University Press 1991 URL
1291 전자책 More than a glitch : confronting race, gender, and ability bias in tech / 미리보기
Broussard, Meredith 2023 URL
1292 전자책 More than just food : food justice and community change / 미리보기
Broad, Garrett M. 2016 URL
1293 전자책 More than just games : Canada and the 1936 Olympics / 미리보기
Menkis, Richard 2015 URL
1294 전자책 More than mere playthings : the minor arts of Italy / 미리보기
Fischer, Julia C. 2016 URL
1295 전자책 More than nature needs : language, mind, and evolution / 미리보기
Bickerton, Derek 2014 URL
1296 전자책 More than real : a history of the imagination in south India / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Shulman, David Dean Harvard University Press 2012 URL
1297 전자책 More than you wanted to know : the failure of mandated disclosure / 미리보기
Ben-Shahar, Omri 2014 URL
1298 전자책 More things in the heavens : how infrared astronomy is expanding our view of the universe / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Werner, Michael Princeton University Press 2019 URL
1299 전자책 Mormonism, medicine, bioethics / 미리보기
Campbell, Courtney S. Oxford University Press 2021 URL
1300 전자책 Mormonism, medicine, bioethics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Campbell, Courtney S. Oxford University Press 2021 URL
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