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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
41 전자책 A macroeconomic regime for the 21st century : towards a new economic order / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Taylor, C. T. Routledge 2011 URL
42 전자책 A magnificent journey to excellence : sixteen years of Six Sigma at Cummins, Inc. / 미리보기
Strodtbeck, George K. Routledge 2020 URL
43 전자책 A math primer for engineers / 미리보기
Cryer, Colin W. 2014 URL
44 전자책 A mathematical nature walk [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Adam, John A. Princeton University Press 2011 URL
45 전자책 A mathematics course for political and social research [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Moore, Will H. Princeton University Press 2013 URL
46 전자책 A matter of death and life / 미리보기
Yalom, Irvin D. 2021 URL
47 전자책 A matter of interpretation : federal courts and the law : an essay / 미리보기
Scalia, Antonin Princeton University Press 2018 URL
48 전자책 A matter of life and death : 60 voices share their wisdom / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bradley, Rosalind Tutu, Desmond 2016 URL
49 전자책 A mattress maker's daughter : the Renaissance romance of Don Giovanni de' Medici and Livia Vernazza / 미리보기
Dooley, Brendan Maurice 2014 URL
50 전자책 A mechanistic approach to plankton ecology [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Ki첩rboe, Thomas Princeton University Press 2018 URL
51 전자책 A metaphysics of psychopathology / 미리보기
Zachar, Peter 2014 URL
52 전자책 A midterm assessment of implementation of the decadal survey on life and physical sciences research at NASA / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board The National Academies Press 2018 URL
53 전자책 A mighty fine road : a history of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company / 미리보기
Grant, H. Roger Indiana University Press 2020 URL
54 전자책 A military history of Africa [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Stapleton, Timothy J. Praeger 2013 URL
55 전자책 A military history of Japan : from the age of the Samurai to the 21st century / 미리보기
Kuehn, John T. 2014 URL
56 전자책 A million and one gods : the persistence of polytheism / 미리보기
DuBois, Page. 2014 URL
57 전자책 A million pictures : magic lantern slides in the history of learning / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Dellmann, Sarah Kessler, Frank 2020 URL
58 전자책 A mind over matter : Philip Anderson and the physics of the very many / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Zangwill, Andrew. 2021 URL
59 전자책 A mirror for Americans : what the East Asian experience tells us about teaching students who excel / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Grove, Cornelius N. 2020 URL
60 전자책 A mirror of Chaucer's world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Loomis, Roger Sherman Princeton University Press 2017 URL
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