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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
21 전자책 Magmatism and geodynamics : terrestrial magmatism throughout the Earth's history / 미리보기
Bogatikov, O. A. CRC Press 2020 URL
22 전자책 Magmatism and geodynamics : terrestrial magmatism throughout the Earth's history / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bogatikov, O. A. CRC Press 2020 URL
23 전자책 Mahler and His World / 미리보기
Painter, Karen Princeton University Press 2020 URL
24 전자책 Make it clear : speak and write to persuade and inform / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Winston, Patrick Henry. The MIT Press 2020 URL
25 전자책 Make it clear : speak and write to persuade and inform / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Winston, Patrick Henry. The MIT Press 2020 URL
26 전자책 Making a mass institution : Indianapolis and the American high school / 미리보기
Steele, Kyle P. Rutgers University Press 2020 URL
27 전자책 Making images move : handmade cinema and other arts 미리보기
Zinman, Gregory University of California Press 2020 URL
28 전자책 Making it count : statistics and statecraft in the early People's Republic of China / 미리보기
Ghosh, Arunabh Princeton University Press 2020 URL
29 전자책 Making sense of affirmative action / 미리보기
Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper Oxford University Press 2020 URL
30 전자책 Making sense of affirmative action / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper Oxford University Press 2020 URL
31 전자책 Making sense of school finance : a practical state-by-state approach / 미리보기
Born, Clinton Rowman & Littlefield 2020 URL
32 전자책 Making sense of school finance : a practical state-by-state approach / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Born, Clinton Rowman & Littlefield 2020 URL
33 전자책 Making the cut : hiring decisions, bias, and the consequences of nonstandard, mismatched, and precarious employment / 미리보기
Pedulla, David S. Princeton University Press 2020 URL
34 전자책 Making the most of teen library volunteers : energizing and engaging community / 미리보기
Boland, Becca Libraries Unlimited 2020 URL
35 전자책 Making time on Mars / 미리보기
Mirmalek, Zara The MIT Press 2020 URL
36 전자책 Man of high empire : the life of Pliny the Younger / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gibson, Roy K. 2020 URL
37 전자책 Man-opause : what everyone should know about treating symptoms of male hormone imbalance / 미리보기
Clement, Brian R. Rowman & Littlefield 2020 URL
38 전자책 Management and leadership for nurse administrators / 미리보기
Roussel, Linda Thomas, Patricia L. Harris, James L. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2020 URL
39 전자책 Management and leadership in social work : a competency based approach / 미리보기
Rofuth, Todd W. Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2020 URL
40 전자책 Management training programs in higher education for the fourth industrial revolution : emerging research and opportunities / 미리보기
Cardoso Espinosa, Edgar Oliver IGI Global, Information Science Reference 2020 URL
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