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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
221 전자책 Making American green and safe : a history of sustainable development and climate change / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hecht, Alan D. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018 URL
222 전자책 Making Asian American film and video : histories, institutions, movements / 미리보기
Okada, Jun 2015 URL
223 전자책 Making Cushions and Pillows : 60 Cushions and Pillows to Sew, Stitch, Knit and Crochet [electronic resource] 미리보기
Saether, Nina Granlund. F+W Media 2014 URL
224 전자책 Making German Jewish literature anew : authorship, memory, and place / 미리보기
Garloff, Katja 2022 URL
225 전자책 Making Los Angeles home : the integration of Mexican immigrants in the United States / 미리보기
Alarco?n, Rafael 2016 URL
226 전자책 Making North America : trade, security, and integration / 미리보기
Thompson, James 2014 URL
227 전자책 Making Nothing Happen : Five Poets Explore Faith and Spirituality 미리보기
D'Costa, Gavin Ashgate Publishing Ltd 2014 URL
228 전자책 Making Partnerships with Service Users and Advocacy Groups Work : How to Grow Genuine and Respectful Relationships in Health and Social Care [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gosling, Julie. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2012 URL
229 전자책 Making Sense of Genesis : Its Unfolding Ideas and Images 미리보기
Wilson, J. Wipf and Stock Publishers 2017 URL
230 전자책 Making Your Primary School E-safe : Whole School Cyberbullying and E-safety Strategies for Meeting Ofsted Requirements [electronic resource] 미리보기
Katz, Adrienne. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2015 URL
231 전자책 Making Yugoslavs : identity in King Aleksandar's Yugoslavia / 미리보기
Nielsen, Christian Axboe 2014 URL
232 전자책 Making a Global Immigrant Neighborhood : Brooklyn's Sunset Park [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hum, Tarry. Temple University Press 2014 URL
233 전자책 Making a difference? : social assessment policy and praxis and its emergence in China / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Price, Susanna Robinson, Kathryn May 2015 URL
234 전자책 Making a global city : how one Toronto school embraced diversity / 미리보기
Vipond, Robert Charles 2017 URL
235 전자책 Making a mass institution : Indianapolis and the American high school / 미리보기
Steele, Kyle P. Rutgers University Press 2020 URL
236 전자책 Making a splash : mermaids (and mermen) in 20th and 21st century audiovisual media / 미리보기
Hayward, Philip John Libbey Publishing, : Distributed by Indiana University Press : John Libbey Publishing, : Distributed by Indiana University Press 2017 URL
237 전자책 Making and Breaking Mathematical Sense : Histories and Philosophies of Mathematical Practice 미리보기
Wagner, Roi. Princeton University Press 2017 URL
238 전자책 Making and breaking the rules : women in Quebec, 1919-1939 / 미리보기
Le?vesque, Andre?e 2015 URL
239 전자책 Making another world possible : anarchism, anti-capitalism and ecology in late 19th and early 20th century Britain / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ryley, Peter. Bloomsbury Academic 2013 URL
240 전자책 Making callaloo in detroit / 미리보기
Hernandez, Lolita. Wayne State University Press 2014 URL
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