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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
381 전자책 Learn T-SQL Querying : a Guide to Developing Efficient and Elegant T-SQL Code / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lopes, Pedro. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
382 전자책 Learn TypeScript 3 by building web applications : gain a solid understanding TypeScript, Angular, Vie React, and NestJS / 미리보기
Dubois, Sebastien. Packt Publishing 2019 URL
383 전자책 Learn Unity ML-Agents : fundamentals of Unity machine learning : incorporate new powerful ML algorithms such as Deep Reinforcement Learning for games / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lanham, Michael Packt Publishing 2018 URL
384 전자책 Learn computer forensics : a beginner's guide to searching, analyzing, and securing digital evidence / 미리보기
Oettinger, William Packt Publishing, Limited 2020 URL
385 전자책 Learn social engineering : learn the art of human hacking with an internationally renowned expert / 미리보기
Ozkaya, Erdal Packt Publishing 2018 URL
386 전자책 Learnability and cognition : the acquisition of argument structure / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pinker, Steven The MIT Press 2013 URL
387 전자책 Learning Accountancy : the Novel Way 미리보기
Suntook, Zarir. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014 URL
388 전자책 Learning Adobe Muse [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Farley, Jennifer. Packt Pub. 2012 URL
389 전자책 Learning Ansible 2.7 : Automate Your Organization's Infrastructure Using Ansible 2.7 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Locati, Fabio Alessandro Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
390 전자책 Learning Azure Cosmos DB : a beginner's guide to creating scalable, globally distributed, and highly responsive applications using Cosmos DB 미리보기
Shaikh, Shahid. Packt Publishing 2018 URL
391 전자책 Learning Bootstrap 4 by building projects : develop 5 real-world Bootstrap 4.x projects from scratch / 미리보기
Eduonix Learning Solutions Packt Publishing 2018 URL
392 전자책 Learning C# programming with Unity 3D / 미리보기
Okita, Alex 2015 URL
393 전자책 Learning D3.js 4 Mapping [electronic resource] 미리보기
Newton, Thomas. Packt Publishing 2017 URL
394 전자책 Learning DevOps : The complete guide to accelerate collaboration with Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform and Azure DevOps / 미리보기
Krief, Mikael Packt Publishing 2019 URL
395 전자책 Learning Elastic Stack 7.0 : distributed search, analytics, and visualization using Elasticsearch, Logstash, Beats, and Kibana / 미리보기
Shukla, Pranav Packt Publishing 2019 URL
396 전자책 Learning Ext JS 4 [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Villa, Crysfel. Packt Pub. 2013 URL
397 전자책 Learning IPython for interactive computing and data visualization [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Rossant, Cyrille. Packt Publishing 2013 URL
398 전자책 Learning Jupyter 5 : explore interactive computing using Python, Java, JavaScript, R, Julia, and JupyterLab / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Toomey, Dan Packt Publishing 2018 URL
399 전자책 Learning Kibana 7 : build powerful elastic dashboards with Kibana's data visualization capabilities / 미리보기
Srivastava, Anurag Packt Publishing 2019 URL
400 전자책 Learning Microsoft Azure Storage : build large-scale, real-world apps by effectively planning, deploying, and implementing Azure Storage solutions / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Waly, Mohamed Packt Publishing 2017 URL
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