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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
21 전자책 A Latin American music reader : views from the south / 미리보기
Leo?n, Javier F. Simonett, Helena 2016 URL
22 전자책 A Layperson's Guide to Biblical Interpretation : a Means to Know the Personal God [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bobo, Luke Brad. Wipf and Stock Publishers 2016 URL
23 전자책 A Living Work of Art : The Life and Science of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kox, A. J. Oxford University Press USA - OSO 2021 URL
24 전자책 A Living Work of Art : The Life and Science of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kox, A. J. Oxford University Press USA - OSO 2021 URL
25 전자책 A l'aventure avec Arduino ! 미리보기
Stewart, Becky. 2015 URL
26 전자책 A la de?couverte de Mac OS Sierra / 미리보기
Lavant, Mathieu 2017 URL
27 전자책 A lasting prophetic legacy : Martin Luther King Jr., the World Council of Churches, and the global crusade against racism and war / 미리보기
Mulhall, Thomas A. 2014 URL
28 전자책 A lawless breed : John Wesley Hardin, Texas Reconstruction, and violence in the Wild West / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Parsons, Chuck. University of North Texas Press 2013 URL
29 전자책 A legacy of discrimination : the essential constitutionality of affirmative action / 미리보기
Bollinger, Lee C. 2023 URL
30 전자책 A legal history of adoption in Ontario, 1921-2015 / 미리보기
Chambers, Anne Lorene 2016 URL
31 전자책 A life in error : from little slips to big disasters / 미리보기
Reason, J. T. 2013 URL
32 전자책 A life in storytelling : anecdotes, stories to tell, stories with movement and dance, suggestions for educators / 미리보기
Wilkin, Binnie Tate 2014 URL
33 전자책 A life of crime : my career in forensic science / 미리보기
Lucas, Douglas M. CRC Press 2019 URL
34 전자책 A life with Mary Shelley / 미리보기
Johnson, Barbara 2014 URL
35 전자책 A life worth living : Albert Camus and the quest for meaning / 미리보기
Zaretsky, Robert 2013 URL
36 전자책 A lifetime of Genesis : an exploration of and personal journey through the covenant of Abraham in Genesis 미리보기
Zoob, Henry A. Wipf & Stock 2016 URL
37 전자책 A lifetime of fiction : the 500 most recommended reads for ages 2 to 102 / 미리보기
Martin, William P. 2014 URL
38 전자책 A line of blood and dirt : creating the Canada-United States border across indigenous lands / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hoy, Benjamin 2021 URL
39 전자책 A linguistic handbook of French for translators and language students / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Boucher, Paul John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 URL
40 전자책 A linguistic history of ancient Cyprus : the non-Greek languages and their relations with Greek, c.1600-300 BC / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Steele, Philippa M. Cambridge University Press 2013 URL
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