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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
141 전자책 Jewish rights, national rites : nationalism and autonomy in late imperial and revolutionary Russia / 미리보기
Rabinovitch, Simon 2014 URL
142 전자책 Jewish stories of love and marriage ; folktales, legends, and letters / 미리보기
Sasso, Sandy Eisenberg 2015 URL
143 전자책 Jewish women writers in Britain / 미리보기
Valman, Nadia. Wayne State University Press 2014 URL
144 전자책 Jews and the Mediterranean [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Lehmann, Matthias B. Indiana University Press 2020 URL
145 전자책 Jews in Arab countries : the great uprooting / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bensoussan, Georges Indiana University Press 2019 URL
146 전자책 Jews in contemporary visual entertainment : raced, sexed, and erased / 미리보기
Siegel, Carol 2022 URL
147 전자책 Jim Henson and philosophy : imagination and the magic of mayhem / 미리보기
Dale, Timothy Foy, Joseph J. 2015 URL
148 전자책 Jimmy Carter in Africa : race and the Cold War / 미리보기
Mitchell, Nancy 2016 URL
149 전자책 Jira 8 Administration Cookbook : Over 90 Recipes to Administer, Customize, and Extend Jira Core and Jira Service Desk, 3rd Edition 미리보기
Li, Patrick. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
150 전자책 Jira Software Essentials : Plan, track, and release great applications with Jira Software 미리보기
Li, Patrick. Packt Publishing : Packt Publishing 2018 URL
151 전자책 Jo?n Leifs and the musical invention of Iceland / 미리보기
A?rni Heimir Ingo?lfsson Indiana University Press 2019 URL
152 전자책 Joan of Arc : French soldier and saint / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wolny, Philip Britannica Educational Publishing, in association with Rosen Educational Services 2018 URL
153 전자책 Job shop layout at Jones Medical Laboratories : adjacent department method / 미리보기
Simpson, Mike Kogan Page 2016 URL
154 전자책 Jobs and the labor force of tomorrow : migration, training, and education / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Project Muse. University of Illinois Press 2017 URL
155 전자책 Jobs to be done : a roadmap for customer-centered innovation / 미리보기
Wunker, Stephen M. 2016 URL
156 전자책 Joe Louis vs. Billy Conn : boxing's unforgettable summer of 1941 / 미리보기
Gruver, Ed 2022 URL
157 전자책 Johanna Beyer / 미리보기
Beal, Amy C. 2015 URL
158 전자책 John Cage's Concert for piano and orchestra / 미리보기
Iddon, Martin Oxford University Press 2020 URL
159 전자책 John Cage's Concert for piano and orchestra / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Iddon, Martin Oxford University Press 2020 URL
160 전자책 John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian religion : a biography / 미리보기
Gordon, Bruce Princeton University 2016 URL
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