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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
241 전자책 Jung in the 21st century [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Haule, John Ryan Routledge 2011 URL
242 전자책 Jung on Christianity [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Jung, C. G. Princeton University Press 2012 URL
243 전자책 Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal / 미리보기
Jung, C. G. Princeton University Press 2020 URL
244 전자책 Juno's Aeneid : a battle for heroic identity / 미리보기
Farrell, Joseph 2021 URL
245 전자책 Juntures in women's leadership : business / 미리보기
Hetfield, Lisa 2016 URL
246 전자책 Jupiter. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Penne, Barbra. Britannica Educational Publishing 2017 URL
247 전자책 Jupyter Cookbook : Over 75 recipes to perform interactive computing across Python, R, Scala, Spark, JavaScript, and more 미리보기
Toomey, Dan. Packt Publishing 2018 URL
248 전자책 Jupyter for Data Science. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Toomey, Dan. Packt Publishing 2017 URL
249 전자책 Just Listen : Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone / 미리보기
Goulston, Mark 2015 URL
250 전자책 Just So Stories [전자책] 미리보기
[by] Rudyard Kipling Natural 2015 URL
251 전자책 Just War Theory: A Reappraisal 미리보기
Evans, Mark. Edinburgh University Press 미상 URL
252 전자책 Just add water : solving the world's problems using its most precious resource / 미리보기
Larson, Rhett Oxford University Press 2020 URL
253 전자책 Just add water : solving the world's problems using its most precious resource / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Larson, Rhett Oxford University Press 2020 URL
254 전자책 Just giving : why philanthropy is failing democracy and how it can do better / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Reich, Rob Princeton University Press 2018 URL
255 전자책 Just hierarchy : why social hierarchies matter in China and the rest of the world / 미리보기
Bell, Daniel Princeton University Press 2020 URL
256 전자책 Just money : mission-driven banks and the future of finance / 미리보기
Kaufer, Katrin The MIT Press 2021 URL
257 전자책 Just money : mission-driven banks and the future of finance / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kaufer, Katrin The MIT Press 2021 URL
258 전자책 Just one more hand : life in the casino economy / 미리보기
Mutari, Ellen 2015 URL
259 전자책 Just one of the guys? : transgender men and the persistence of gender inequality / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Schilt, Kristen. University of Chicago Press 2010 URL
260 전자책 Just ordinary citizens? : towards a comparative portrait of the political immigrant / 미리보기
Bilodeau, Antoine 2016 URL
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