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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
161 전자책 John Dewey and Confucian thought / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Behuniak, James State University of New York Press 2019 URL
162 전자책 John Dewey and Daoist thought / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Behuniak, James State University of New York 2019 URL
163 전자책 John Dewey의 나의 교육학적 신념 [전자책] = John Dewey's my pedagogical belief 미리보기
김한중 지음 북팟 2021 URL
164 전자책 John Green : teen whisperer / 미리보기
Deakin, Kathleen 2015 URL
165 전자책 John Jenkins : Mayor of Maine / 미리보기
Radis, Chuck. 2023 URL
166 전자책 John Kirkpatrick, American music, and the printed page [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Massey, Drew University of Rochester Press ; Boydell & Brewer Limited 2013 URL
167 전자책 John Knight / 미리보기
Rottmann, Andre? 2014 URL
168 전자책 John Napier : life, logarithms, and legacy / 미리보기
Havil, Julian 2014 URL
169 전자책 John Paizs's Crime wave / 미리보기
Ball, Jonathan 2014 URL
170 전자책 John Updike : a critical biography / 미리보기
Batchelor, Bob. 2013 URL
171 전자책 John W. Barriger III : railroad legend / 미리보기
Grant, H. Roger Indiana University Press 2018 URL
172 전자책 Joining Lives : a Primer on the Ministry of Reconciliation 미리보기
Odle, Andy. Wipf and Stock Publishers 2017 URL
173 전자책 Joining empire : the political economy of the new Canadian foreign policy / 미리보기
Klassen, Jerome 2014 URL
174 전자책 Joint-use libraries / 미리보기
Miller, William Pellen, Rita. Routledge, Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
175 전자책 Joking about Jihad : Comedy and Terror in the Arab World / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ramsay, Gilbert. 2020 URL
176 전자책 Jolly lad [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Doran, John. Strange Attractor Press 2020 URL
177 전자책 Jonah in the shadows of Eden / 미리보기
Berger, Yitzhak Indiana University Press 2016 URL
178 전자책 Jonathan Edwards on the Atonement : understanding the legacy of America's greatest theologian / 미리보기
Crawford, Brandon James. Wipf & Stock 2017 URL
179 전자책 Jonathan Franzen and the romance of community : narratives of salvation / 미리보기
Hidalga, Jesu?s Blanco 2017 URL
180 전자책 Jonathan and Amy/ 미리보기
Burrowes, Grace Sourcebooks, Inc. 9999 URL
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