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1,315건 중 1315건 출력
66/66 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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검색리스트 테이블
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1301 전자책 The invertebrate tree of life / 미리보기
Giribet, Gonzalo Princeton University Press 2020 URL
1302 전자책 The inverted pendulum in control theory and robotics : from theory to new innovations / 미리보기
Boubaker, Olfa Iriarte, Rafael The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017 URL
1303 전자책 The invincible / 미리보기
Lem, Stanis흢aw The MIT Press 2020 URL
1304 전자책 The invisible Palestinians : the hidden struggle for inclusion in Jewish Tel Aviv / 미리보기
Hackl, Andreas 2022 URL
1305 전자책 The invisible handcuffs of capitalism : how market tyranny stifles the economy by stunting workers / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Perelman, Michael. Monthly Review Press 2011 URL
1306 전자책 The iron road in the Prairie State : the story of Illinois railroading / 미리보기
Cordery, Simon Indiana University Press 2016 URL
1307 전자책 The irregular school : exclusion, schooling, and inclusive education / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Slee, Roger. Routledge 2011 URL
1308 전자책 The the Infinite Retina : Spatial Computing, Augmented Reality, and How a Collision of New Technologies Are Bringing about the Next Tech Revolution / 미리보기
Cronin, Irena. Packt Publishing 2020 URL
1309 전자책 iAd production : beginners guide : create motion-rich, beautiful iAd adverts for iOS devices and incorporate techniques to help boost revenue and brand awareness / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Collier, Ben. Packt Publishing 2012 URL
1310 전자책 iBooks Author 2 [전자책] 미리보기
최웅식 지음 IVISUAL : 유페이퍼 2012 URL
1311 전자책 iOS 5 essentials : harness iOS 5's new powerful features to create stunning applications / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Daniel, Steven F. Packt Publishing 2012 URL
1312 전자책 iOS 7 사용자를 위한 간략 사용설명서 : iPad, iPad mini 모든 사용자용 [전자책] 미리보기
이규민 지음 황금부엉이 2013 URL
1313 전자책 iPad music : in the studio and on stage / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jenkins, Mark Focal Press 2013 URL
1314 전자책 iPads in the library : using tablet technology to enhance programs for all ages / 미리보기
Nichols, Joel A. 2013 URL
1315 전자책 iWork for Mac OS X cookbook [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Anichkin, Alexander. Packt Pub. Ltd. 2012 URL
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