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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1201 전자책 The Italian legal system : an introduction / 미리보기
Livingston, Michael A. 2015 URL
1202 전자책 The i5 approach : lesson planning that teaches thinking and fosters innovation / 미리보기
Pollock, Jane E. ASCD 2018 URL
1203 전자책 The ice book : cool cubes, clear spheres, and other chill cocktail crafts / 미리보기
English, Camper 2023 URL
1204 전자책 The idea of a moral economy : Gerard of Siena on usury, restitution, and prescription / 미리보기
Gerardus 2016 URL
1205 전자책 The idea of sovereignty : in moral and historical perspective / 미리보기
Johnson, James Turner. 2014 URL
1206 전자책 The idea-driven organization : unlocking the power in bottom-up ideas / 미리보기
Robinson, Alan 2014 URL
1207 전자책 The ideas of Ronald H. Coase : market failure and planning by contract for sustainable development / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lai, Lawrence Wai-chung. Routledge 2011 URL
1208 전자책 The identity dilemma : social movements and collective identity / 미리보기
McGarry, Aidan Jasper, James M. 2015 URL
1209 전자책 The illusion of certainty : how the flawed beliefs of religion harm our culture / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Houk, James T. Prometheus Books 2017 URL
1210 전자책 The illusion of conscious will / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wegner, Daniel M. The MIT Press 2018 URL
1211 전자책 The illusionist brain : the neuroscience of magic / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Cami?, Jordi 2022 URL
1212 전자책 The illustrated guide to dyslexia and its amazing people / 미리보기
Power, Kate 2017 URL
1213 전자책 The image in early cinema : form and material / 미리보기
Curtis, Scott Gauthier, Philippe Gunning, Tom Yumibe, Joshua Indiana University Press 2018 URL
1214 전자책 The image of the enemy : intelligence analysis of adversaries since 1945 / 미리보기
Maddrell, Paul 2015 URL
1215 전자책 The immigrant and the university : Peder Sather and gold rush California / 미리보기
Sveen, Karin 2014 URL
1216 전자책 The immigrant superpower : how brains, brawn, and bravery make America stronger / 미리보기
Kane, Tim 2022 URL
1217 전자책 The impact of COVID-19 on the careers of women in academic sciences, engineering, and medicine / 미리보기
Higginbotham, Eve J. Dahlberg, Maria Lund National Academies Press 2021 URL
1218 전자책 The impact of COVID-19 on the careers of women in academic sciences, engineering, and medicine / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Higginbotham, Eve J. Dahlberg, Maria Lund National Academies Press 2021 URL
1219 전자책 The impact of digitalization in a changing educational environment / 미리보기
Arinushkina, Anna A. Morozov, Alexander V. Robert, Irena V. 2023 URL
1220 전자책 The impact of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Escobar, Maria-Luisa. Griffin, Charles C. Shaw, R. Paul. Brookings Institution Press 2010 URL
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