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1,315건 중 1315건 출력
10/66 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
181 전자책 Illegality, Inc. : clandestine migration and the business of bordering Europe / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Andersson, Ruben. University of California Press 2014 URL
182 전자책 Illicit drugs [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Isralowitz, Richard. Greenwood 2011 URL
183 전자책 Illicit trade and the global economy [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Storti, Cla?udia Costa. Grauwe, Paul de. MIT Press 2012 URL
184 전자책 Illinois sampler : teaching and research on the prairie / 미리보기
Winkelmes, Mary-Ann Burton, Antoinette M. Mays, Kyle 2014 URL
185 전자책 Illness is a weapon : indigenous identity and enduring afflictions / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Saethre, Eirik. 2013 URL
186 전자책 Illusions in motion : media archaeology of the moving panorama and related spectacles / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Huhtamo, Erkki. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013 URL
187 전자책 Image English start : 초등학생을 위한 본격 영어 회화 실전북 [전자책]. 1, 일상생활 편 미리보기
최은영 ; 넥서스주니어 2009 URL
188 전자책 Image and presence : a Christological reflection on iconoclasm and iconophilia / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Carnes, Natalie Stanford University Press 2017 URL
189 전자책 Image brokers : visualizing world news in the age of digital circulation / 미리보기
Gu?rsel, Zeynep Devrim 2016 URL
190 전자책 Image in the making : digital innovation and the visual arts / 미리보기
Thomson-Jones, Katherine Oxford University Press 2021 URL
191 전자책 Image in the making : digital innovation and the visual arts / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Thomson-Jones, Katherine Oxford University Press 2021 URL
192 전자책 Image objects : an archaeology of computer graphics / 미리보기
Gaboury, Jacob The MIT Press 2021 URL
193 전자책 Image objects : an archaeology of computer graphics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gaboury, Jacob The MIT Press 2021 URL
194 전자책 Image, incarnation, & Christian expansivism : a meta-philosophy of salvation / 미리보기
McLeod-Harrison, Mark S. 2017 URL
195 전자책 Imagery in cognitive-behavioral therapy [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Stopa, Lusia Aldona The Guilford Press 2021 URL
196 전자책 Imagery in cognitive-behavioral therapy [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Stopa, Lusia Aldona The Guilford Press 2021 URL
197 전자책 Imagery-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder and mood instability / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Holmes, Emily A. The Guilford Press 2019 URL
198 전자책 Imagery-enhanced CBT for social anxiety disorder / [electronic resource] 미리보기
McEvoy, Peter M. The Guilford Press 2018 URL
199 전자책 Images of thought : philosophical interpretations of Carlos Este?vez's art / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gracia, Jorge J. E. SUNY Press 2009 URL
200 전자책 Imaginaries of connectivity : the creation of novel spaces of governance / 미리보기
Lobo-Guerrero, Luis Alt, Suvi Meijer, Maarten Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd. 2020 URL
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