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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
381 전자책 In the power of the government : the rise and fall of newsprint in Ontario, 1894-1932 / 미리보기
Kuhlberg, Mark 2015 URL
382 전자책 In the same place : poems of place / 미리보기
Johnson-Medland, Thomas 2016 URL
383 전자책 In the shadow of illness : parents and siblings of the chronically ill child / 미리보기
Bluebond-Langner, Myra Princeton University Press 1996 URL
384 전자책 In the shadow of international law : secrecy and regime change in the postwar world / 미리보기
Poznansky, Michael Oxford University Press 2020 URL
385 전자책 In the shadow of international law : secrecy and regime change in the postwar world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Poznansky, Michael Oxford University Press 2020 URL
386 전자책 In the shadow of justice : postwar liberalism and the remaking of political philosophy / 미리보기
Forrester, Katrina Princeton University Press 2019 URL
387 전자책 In the spirit of wetlands : reviving habitat in the Illinois river watershed / 미리보기
Howard, Clare 3 Fields Books, an imprint of the University of Illinois Press 2022 URL
388 전자책 In the studio : visual creation and its material environments / 미리보기
Jacobson, Brian R. University of California Press 2020 URL
389 전자책 In the swarm : digital prospects / 미리보기
Han, Byung-Chul MIT Press 2017 URL
390 전자책 In the wake of arbitration : papers from the Sixth Annual CSIS South China Sea Conference / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Annual CSIS South China Sea Conference (6th : 2016 : Washington, D.C.), Rowman & Littlefield 2017 URL
391 전자책 In the wake of the crisis : leading economists reassess economic policy / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Blanchard, Olivier MIT Press 2012 URL
392 전자책 In the whirlwind : God and humanity in conflict / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Burt, Robert Harvard University Press 2012 URL
393 전자책 In their own words : practices of quotation in early medieval history-writing / 미리보기
Beer, Jeanette M. A 2014 URL
394 전자책 In these times the home is a tired place : stories / 미리보기
Hollander, Jessica 2013 URL
395 전자책 In this world of ultraviolet light : stories / 미리보기
Palma, Raul 2023 URL
396 전자책 In-game : from immersion to incorporation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Calleja, Gordon. MIT Press 2011 URL
397 전자책 In-house bookbinding and repair / 미리보기
McQueen, Sharon 2015 URL
398 전자책 In-law relationships : mothers, daughters, fathers, and sons / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Greif, Geoffrey L. 2021 URL
399 전자책 Inca apocalypse : the Spanish conquest and the transformation of the Andean world / 미리보기
Covey, R. Alan Oxford University Press 2020 URL
400 전자책 Inca apocalypse : the Spanish conquest and the transformation of the Andean world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Covey, R. Alan Oxford University Press 2020 URL
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